KSU put up 28 pts on OUr Defense I guess your loss to Fla doesn't count for anything? I am not trying to start a fight, just trying ot defend the Heisman winner. lighten up Frances..
Right, Homer ....... we owe you an apology ... wait ... Where's TE? We need one of his standard 3-point apologies ... that last one ... was a 6-pointer, I think, and was too long winded.
I only watched the last 10 minutes of the presentation show (which, by the way, was all anyone needed to watch). Did anyone else notice that the past trophy winners on stage all had pro careers akin to that of Trev Alberts?
this could have been the best thing for LSU. I was really hoping for Jason White to win the Heisman. Why? No Heisman trophy winning QB has ever won the National Championship. And that streak will continue.
OJ was not there he was at a golf course looking for the real killers! Boomer Sooner and can't wait for NC #8
They did, however, show some footage of him. I must admit, he was a SLASHING runner. Seriously though, I think they ought to revoke the Heisman vote of any past winner who sells his Trophy to pay off the family of the ex-wife he turned into a Pez dispenser.
They were talking about one era of time and then they started talking about a "player who had to sell his heisman to pay off a wrongful death suit." My dumbass said "who the hell did that!" Then I realized they had jumped thirty years and were talking about OJ...Then I realized how terrible it was what he had done...
I'm happy that White won the Heisman. He has rated it with his play as much as the the other candidates did. But mostly, . . . having the Heisman Trophy player in the Sugar Bowl just enhances our game more. The Rose Bowl is a sideshow.