I've lost interest in Desantis

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Perple, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Not knowing how to spell sanctimonious is not impressive. Talking about how it has a "Lot of syllables", may be worse. "Call me a winner", sound a lot like Jeb! Thanks to Piers Morgan interview.

    Fox is hard selling the 44 year old. He lacks experience in almost every way. Trump is absolutely correct on this. He's copied Trump his entire career. He has no real charisma & his talking shows a real weakness. Trump will cut Liberals to the bone, as they deserve, Desantus might give them 2 paper cuts. In 4 years if he won. Gimme a break, want the real f'ing deal, not the Asain version of Steve Perry, & not "Johnny" Van Zant. Why is it so difficult to understand? Cover bands are cover bands.

    Fox & Ferns is literally obsessed with "Being nice to each other". Do Steve Doucey, Brian Killjoy & Muffy whoever, just not see & hear what is said about Republicans by f'ing asshole Liberals every minute of every single day?? Fuck that! Doucey should stick to cookbooks.

    Liberals can even smell his weakness. They know he's harmless. And "Nice".

    Will not let Fox News or Liberals pick my GOP candidate. Hope others will open their eyes.

    Last 3 Fox News supported candidates:

    See any winners there?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I'm not down on DeSantis and I don't agree with your assessment. I've seen plenty of times where the libs try to get to him and he shuts it down.

    I do however think they need to squash this back and forth, Trump mostly. He (Trump) won't however, it's not in his makeup and he is going to lose very crucial voters because of it. He acts like a 12 yr old sometimes
    Fishhead, fanatic and Perple like this.
  3. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Everyone's got a different opinion. The one thing, I wonder, is if Desantis can get Trump's considerable base off their hands to go & vote.

    Here is the Poll as if yesterday. I don't hate Ron Desantis, but I see big weaknesses.there. I don't think he can win the general. I mentioned him as a VP candidate, but am having second thoughts now. He's praying Trump isn't available, due to some bullshit Liberal crapsuit.

    This where we are:


    They're battling for the biggest job in America, it's not going to be pretty or nice.i want results., not "Nice".or niceties. This isn't Florida. If we lose this one, America is gone. Trump got more votes than any Republican has ever. Trump is known worldwide, Desantis is known in Florida. A few people on several channels mentioned it yesterday. I guess if we lose, Americans can all start learnng Manderin.

    If I remember correctly, you didn't like Trump last time & you thought Ted Cruz would win the GOP nomination in 2016. I knew Trump had it after the 3rd debate. You can't buy charisma. Everyone here said I was crazy. Hell, I like Ted, but he was missing that special Trump charm.

    Fox News has never mentioned Biden is the meanest & nastiest old fricker to ever be placed in the white house. No way Biden got more votes than Trump - legally.
    shane0911 and msully like this.
  4. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    Never like Ron Florida has a swamp
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Why do you still think Trump can win? His base has been shrinking every since he won in 2016. His party lost in 2018, 2020 and 2022. He doesn't have the same charisma he did in 2016. Even his nicknames are getting lamer. DeSantis is a far more electable candidate and, for that matter, more focused on enacting his agenda rather than settling old scores.
    Fishhead likes this.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    This is a 100% fact!

    I think Trumps policies are great and no he wasn't my pick in the '16 race but I'm glad he won. It made a lot of things really clear as to how deep the corruption and rot in DC and around the country is. If he kept the same moxy but with a sharper edge he'd be a lot easier to take. As it stands I'm going to vote for him and even over Ron (who I'm not sold is going to run) .

    This pending arrest is going to backfire on the stupid libs in a major way.
    Perple likes this.
  7. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Ron already lost not defending Trump from the bullshit from the NY AG.

    Ron can’t win without the MAGA crowd.

    I always knew Trump had an ace on this and he just dropped it. The fact that Ron fell into the trap sealed the deal once Teflon Don beats yet another set of bogus bullshit.
    shane0911 and Perple like this.
  8. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Why can ge win? Because he got more votes than any other Republican candidate ever including GOP favorite Ronald EReagan. A lot more.. Simple as that. His base is NOT waning.oe shrinking. Liberal TV tells you that. You're very gullible. 0'fer 3 Fox News probably. Don't pretend it was a fluke Trump beat out what was it? 16-20 GOP candidates in 2016. No it's not 2016 anymore. America is far, far worse off now than in history. We need a real proven leader.

    This one is critical.. It's not the time to bring in Fess Irvin (Desantis) to make foul shots. We are barely still a country right now. China & Russia are eyeing & buying huge plots of our farming country. Why you think that is? China has 6X the people we have & thanks to Biden policies in just 2 years, are now much, much richer. Lots of hungry, mouths to feed, correct? We cannot defend ourselves now militarily due to Biden. Trump bought all those planes & weapons Biden stupidly left in Afganstan. Not Biden's money., he doesn't care. Trump rebuilt a lot of our Military. Biden built F'ng windmills & wasted the rest of trillions,. yes trillions on BS "Social Issues" crapolla.

    Why is Desantis more electable? He's so nice, almost sickenely so. We don't need a "New/fresh blood" for the sake of being brand spankin' new. We need a hardass that can & has put real fear in both China & Russia. Sections work. We need our Border f'ing closed , yes by building a f'ing Wall as was getting dine, (before Biden fucked it up) & Tripling our Border patrol. Desantis sp far, will do neither of these things, or might do both, we really don't know. That's Trump's thing, not Desantis. . Everything Trump did, Desantis has copied. I see nothing new from the 44 year old. Maybe he can win in the future.

    BTW, you can't lose charisma over time. You either have it or you don't.

    Far more electable, huh? Liberals don't fear Desatis. Why is that? If he did win, he's Hitler on day 1. Trump's got what 3 bullshit crapsuits brought by overweight Liberals. Nothing will happen to him, because he did nothing wrong - Legally. "Legally" does matters. Ask the Biden Crime family. Biden & fam did illegally commit real crimes. Plural.

    Do you think buying something new is always better than the old one? @LSUPride is absolutely correct. Can Desantus win without Trump's base? No! Not even close. Desantis' "Agenda" is Trump's agenda, minus the experience of actually running a corporation & actually being President of the United States.

    Let me ask you something "Mr. Newer is better". Will Alabama win more games after Saban retires or Less? According to you, the New guy will easily win more than Saban ever did. That's literally what you're trying to sell with your post.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  9. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i think ron said he didnt know how to spell the trump-invented word "desantimonious" or maybe its disanctimonious. i dunno either.

    he doesnt lack experience, he is the executive of a massive and important state
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    whats he supposed to do, the NY AG hasnt even done anything

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