Well Im glad all of your 2 cents and opinions have no real bearing on how Auburn will actually perform. Aside from your credit to our backfield, which I think is a first, I dont think Ive ever heard anything but negative talk about our team over here, so I would really expect nothing less. But it wouldnt matter because all the negativity that you could ever muster up would never change my optimism and faith in my team because I am a TRUE BLUE AUBURN WOMAN!!! So I sure as hell wont knock JC for all that hes been through, and I wont sit around and let others do it either. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
Morgan...Brother Jones...I mean...Tubby's got some Kool-Aid for you to drink...Can't you see him motioning you over to the pulpit? Look, I never said you shouldn't be optimistic...I said you guys would fail. You'll fail because of Bobby Lowder, who botched the Petrino hiring and then let Henchman Housel take the fall. Tubby responds by the vote of confidence following the Jet Plane Flight of No Confidence to Cincy by firing his offensive coordinator, which will make what, three in three years? It's just a simple illogical thought process to think that the THIRD offensive system in place in as many years will be the magic pill that suddenly makes the offensive line block effectively. How good do you think Tiger Woods would be if he had a different coach teaching him the game each and every year, tweaking small things... He's like a bonus baby big hitting draft pick whose struggling in the minors...The roving instructors telling him one thing, the hitting coach for his AA team telling him another, his personal hitting instructor telling him another, his dad that's been his coach all his life telling him another, him thinking another, and even his teammates telling him another. It's just too much information. On top of all this...Think about those kids. They saw what happened at the end of last year. They know that not just the fans, but the Auburn Administration...Or should I say Emperor Lowder?-don't like, nor care, nor think their head coach is the right person for the job? How can they see that, and then see the coach that the man that no one at Auburn trusts hires to run their offense and teach them, and trust that? If your babysitter mistreated your kids, would you not lose trust? Hell, would you let her pick the person to help her get over her problems surrounding her mistreatment of your kids? Hell no, you'd fire her ass... I admire the optimism in the face of the criticism, but the criticism is just and accurate, and not just coming out of my dislike for Auburn.
Riiiiight, I wouldnt believe that coming from half of the people over here. I can tell by the way you said some of that stuff, that some of it does come from your dislike of Auburn. And I never said that some of your points werent valid, I just said I was glad your prediction of our "failure" has NO REAL effect on the outcome of the season. Just like my hoping and praying and screaming at the tv had no real effect on the outcome of some of the games last seaon. And trust me I do think about the kids. Thats why I hate for people like you to just sit around and slam them and be ultra critical of them. They go out there and play their asses off every week no matter what. And trust me, you drink just as much kool-aid as I do, yours is just a different flavor. You see, me, Im not a big fan of grape kool-aid, as Im sure you arent a big orange kool-aid drinker. Its a two way street you see, and we will never agree. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
No one said we're going to agree...I said my criticism was valid, and with that, you yourself just agreed. I also said that Auburn would fail because Jason Campbell has failed, and will continue to fail. I mentioned specific reasons why I thought he would. As for my dislike of Auburn, you are very correct, I do dislike them, if for no other reason than they are not LSU, and for that, they are lesser beings. All of them. Fans, students, Administration alike. As I'm sure you view LSU (just fans, students, and an Administration that's got a national championship and two conference chamionships to see for their hard work, and not overwrought with a nasty, unsightly, cancerous growth such as Bobby Lowder to deal with, in spite of your good intentions elsewhere). The way I say things is the way I say things...It has nothing to do with whether I like you or not. I'll say the things regarding Auburn in the same manner as I say things about John Brady. But, whether you like or dislike Brady, or like or dislike Auburn for that matter, what I say rings true. Your offensive line is not good. A coach will not improve them. Their own self discipline will play a part. So will their pride. But, no coach is just going to magically make a player improve. The player has to buy into it on his own. Bobby Lowder is to Auburn as the Gulf of Mexico is to the Louisiana Coastline. That is, Bobby Lowder has eroded the trust of Tommy Tuberville, whether warranted or not. The trust that has eroded is obvious to everyone, from Lowder to even the most passing, casual fan. It has also become obvious to your team. Ask them yourself. Do you think they live in a vacuum? Do you think they thumb their noses in the air at all their fans, and what their fans think? Do you think they don't play for, love, and in a small part, do it all for the fans, in a way? If at any point, you can answer yes to those questions, then you KNOW that doubt has been planted in those young minds. In other words, the first domino has already fallen...and from there, it's all a matter of time. Without trust, there can be no success. Sorry...But, it's just the facts, jack...
Well its nice to know that you seem to have a long lengthy opinion on everything. And I guess since I am such a "lesser being" that you didnt understand my point in my last post. So Im going to bow out on this conversation with you and let it be because you arent going to change my views or opinions and yours arent going to change what happens this season. Only time will tell. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
I think I'm inclined to agree with AU Morgan on one point she made earlier. It's way too freakin early to be making predictions. Last year AU went into the first game ranked about 6th, if I recall correctly, and that turned out to be a mistake. No malice intended AU fans, I'm just pointing out the fact. Moreover, any team could follow that road. My point is, people making predictions about anything about either team, much worse scoring predictions (for god's sake), is ludicrous. I'll wait until at least the season starts before I start badmouthing Auburn. See you guys in JH. Go Tigerband.
I don't really care if Saban and Tubby are friends or not. I hate AU, Tubs is just an extra. Can't imagine a "U" you despise, having a coach you like. So Tubs is a perfect fit, hope he stays for a while. Morgan, I think alot of the posters in this thread that are being bold are just callin it like it is. This is the same AU team as last year, with a little less talent. Same team that was the laughing stock of CFB after consecutive losses to start the season last year after the most hype we have ever heard, and they were embarrassing losses at that. Same team that did'nt score a TD till the 3rd game against............Vandy. Same team that had a hard fought 10-3 win over a pitiful Arkansas team. AU is #1 in the S*** talking dept., after they hung 73 on ULM they were on this board talking like world beaters and got spanked again and again. Our game could have easily been 45-7 if Saban had wanted it to be. Good for you, margin of victory don't count, cause it would have been nasty.
Well Id just like them to actually let all these boys play at least one down of football before they start with their outlandish predictions. Trust me, Im sure their predictions wont change much between here and September, unless they up the score. I simply think its WAY too soon. Four months is a little early for me, Im as anxious as the next person for football season to start back, but Im not going balls to the walls with predictions. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
Yeah, I can see where they are comin from, but I aint gonna get into the prediction thing either, gotta save some of that fire for another 4 months. Since most of it had to deal with QB's, IMO, Jason Campbell is no better than Marcus Randall, in fact, pretty similar to me. Flip a coin.