It'd be nice if the soft porn on this site would go

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSU, Dec 18, 2004.

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  1. tygertail

    tygertail Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2004
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    Funny, the majority of people on here that are bitching and moaning are "registered guests" and not contributors. Also, I noticed that some of the guest have a large number of posts. My opinion is that if you can't scrap together $12 then you don't have a right to complain. I look at TF on a public computer all the time. Whenever I read a post from Tirk or JS or any of our resident horndogs I just scroll quickly to the next message. I say let them post whatever they want. If you really want to get nit picky then why don't you call LSUGradin99 "Token" offensive or complain about having a horse's ass as an avatar like USCPuke. Come on people, lighten up and enjoy the board.

    I think Brett and the moderators are doing a great job censoring the really bad things on this board. Not only the pics, but the post also.

    If you want to complain then become a member. Anyone with over 1,000 post on here should be ashamed of himself if he can't help Brett out by giving 12 bucks. :usaflagwa :geaux: :usaflagwa
  2. TennesseeTiger

    TennesseeTiger Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    BEFORE this was a contribution board, I had an issue and Brett ignored my messages about it. I refuse to pay because of that reason.
  3. SpringTiger

    SpringTiger Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Tygertail, do you read? At least a couple of us have stated explicitly that we have not contributed because of the poornographic material that is not only allowed, but prevalent.
    It has nothing to do with wherewithal to pay. I am a 45 (46 in a week) year old professional who owns two of his own businesses and has a substantial interest in a third. I have accumulated a very nice net worth. I could easily pay the "contribution." I could pay the contribution for every person who has ever posted on this forum. It's not about the money. Read carefully, Tygertail: I t 's n o t a b o u t t h e m o n e y. Now, do you get it?

    Please tell me something, Tygertail. I'm just curious... how old are you? I mean your physical age...
  4. Tygrr

    Tygrr Win the West

    Jan 26, 2004
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    I'm not gonna say anything about you not being a contributor cause neither am I, but why do people find it necessary to brag ON THE INTERNET about how much they own and how much money they make??? Usually those with plenty don't find the need to tell everyone about it.
  5. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    It's nice to see things have been running smoothly since I've been unable to spend as much time on the forum.

    Unfortunately I've been unable to spend nearly the amount of time running and moderating the forum as I used to. There once was a time when I could read virtually every post on this forum but now I am currently unable to. I would love to be able to dedicate the amount of time and money I once did to this forum but priorities come first and there are some circumstances that have changed since I first created

    Sorry to those of you that have contacted me with no response. I have always tried to treat the members here as highly valued customers even though this is not a business. Even with the very generous contributions this forum still still costs me money. It is my policy to treat everyone the same regardless of Contributor status.

    Obviously things have been getting out of hand with the images. I love a good-looking woman as much as the next guy but the presence of these images is hurting the overall enjoyability of the forum more than it is helping. There are many people that access the forum at work and at home with their children nearby and this limits their ability to enjoy the forum. It’s important that we keep the focus of the Tiger’s Den on LSU and college related information. We do have other forums available for other material.

    From now on please do not place any scantily clad woman or other objectionable material in your sig images, avatars or anywhere in the Tiger’s Den forum. If you want to post “babe” pictures, please do so in the Roundtable forum and please clearly label the thread as such.

    Again, I apologize but I just do not have the time to dedicate to the forum as I used to. It’s clear I need some help to maintain the forum. Also remember to use the notify icon [​IMG] to let us know if any inappropriate material that you may come across. Please do you best to delineate between material that you merely do not like and material that shouldn’t be on the forum.

    Finally, please use the forum’s Personal Message function to contact me with any issues.


  6. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Well now that you have told us how well established you are, and Brett has handed you your wish, let's see how high you can get on the Hall of Fame page 'eh?
  7. Missing LSU

    Missing LSU Founding Member

    Oct 27, 2003
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    :lsug: :lsup: :lsug:
  8. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    We all know that any time someone says "it's not about the money", its ALWAYS about the money. :hihi:
  9. jungledog

    jungledog Freshman

    Dec 18, 2004
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    Ashcroft isn't the AG, moron.
  10. max

    max Founding Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    "Won't someone please think of the children!"

    -Rev. Lovejoy's wife
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