It'd be nice if the soft porn on this site would go

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSU, Dec 18, 2004.

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  1. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2003
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    A cocktail waitress is a slut just like the rest of them. I sat in with Buddy Songy a few times a couple summers ago at the Gold club for his 12-2 show. You would be amazed to see what goes on in that place during lunch hour.

    I can't stand sluts. You can smell them, if you know what I mean.

    btw, the cocktail waitress had to dance on command if told to do so.
  2. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I love the smell of sluts in the morning! Napalm too. :D
  3. Scribbler

    Scribbler Freshman

    Aug 7, 2004
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    Some sports sites have separate forums for posting babe shots. Maybe we need that here, too.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Why is it differnt on my computer? All of the sigs show up as links on mine? :confused: :confused:
  5. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    There are many men on here who are oversexed and don't get any at home. That's why you see the pics as you do.
  6. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Hmmm....your problems run much deeper than first diagnosed if you are comfortable in relying on info about LSU from the likes of Crawfish and TE.
  7. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    Jun 12, 2003
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    It just boils down to the guys who have these sigs can just tone it down out of respect to others. I don't mind seeing a beautiful woman (my wife included) as much as the next guy but some of the recents sigs are pushing mine.
  8. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    I removed mine. I despise cencorship and love the 1st amendment, but if you ask me nicely I do not mind toning it down. But my horses ass is staying!! :D
  9. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    Well, sometimes I check the forum (ok, lots of times) while at work and the more provocative the picture, the more likely someone is either going to say something to me or flat our report me, not knowing what it is I'm actually on.

    Yes, the half-naked chicks are nice, but how about putting them on your screen saver and look at them then?
  10. SpringTiger

    SpringTiger Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Thank YOu LSU!

    Thank you LSU for starting this thread! Thanks, also to Mikeaux, Bayoublu, Missing LSU, Max, Torgo, Tennessee Tiger, and LSU Hotdog for expressing your views against the ridiculous and immature "soft" porn posting by some of the members.

    Where were you all several weeks ago when I posted some similar comments and Tirk and I had a debate about it on this forum? I asked those people then to respect us older guys with children and refrain from posting the soft porn. I asked how such things relate to or are appropriate for a college sports fan site. I was just told by a few members that I needed to accept it and that it was no worse than the stuff kids are exposed to every day on television and other media. Well, MY children are not exposed to such things, if I can help it! They are not allowed to watch some of those television shows and channels (ESPECIALLY, Mtv, which someone referred to back in the first go 'round on this topic). My children (boy 13 and girl 11) are also not allowed to watch any movies rated worse than PG. They may be allowed to watch a film rated PG13, but only with one of their parents, who can fast-forward, mute, and explain, as necessary. Are we prudes? Some may think so, but I happen to believe that what we are is good parents. We try, at least.

    I believe the guys who are posting the soft porn are either young or immature, or both. When I was 17 or 18, if I had access to the internet, this forum, and electronic pics of scantily clad girls, I may have thought about doing the same thing. Just wait until some of you porn posters have children. I believe that your attitudes may change. At least, I hope so!

    I'm certain there are other forums these guys could go to and exchange porn pics with others. But they choose to do it on a forum that is supposed to have nothing to do with porn. The boys who are posting those pics are screaming: "Hey, look at me! I like pretty girls and I can prove it - just look at this picture. And, you know, I could get that girl to have sex with me, because I am such a MAN!!!" What other reason could there be to share the pictures, rather than just enjoy them in the comfort of their own home? It is attention seeking, pure and simple. If one of the porn posters can tell me that this is wrong and what the real reason is, then I am all "ears."

    I, too, have sent multiple PMs and emails to Brett and explained to him that I will not contribute financially as long as he is allowing the Forum to be less than "family friendly" by allowing the soft porn. I asked how in the world such material could be considered appropriate, given what the forum is supposed to be about. I received no response from Brett, just like the others who wrote to him. It sounds as if he may have been somewhat deluged with messages, though.

    In fairness to Brett, he did post a message on the board stating that the "porn" was getting out of control and that it needed to be toned down. As I recall, he suggested smaller images. Does anyone else recall? Brett? If it were my forum (which it is not), I would personally contact each porn poster by email and PM. I would tell them that, as an LSU Tiger Fan, I have great love for them in my heart, and that I appreciate their participation in the forum and their financial contribution. BUT, I would add that I feel they are posting inappropriate pictures for a family forum and for a site that is supposed to be just about sports - particularly LSU sports. And, if they continue doing so, they will be permanently banned from the site and their contribution will be refunded in total.

    The Forum has no mission statement or the like and does not anywhere that I can discern address the issue of decency or porn. I did note, however, the following language in the User Agreement: Use common sense and let's make a fun, friendly and dignified forum where all LSU fans can share opinions, news and stories. I believe the key words in there are "dignified" and "all." I firmly believe that the soft porn serves no function other than to diminish the "dignity" of the forum. Further, it is a fact that "all" LSU fans cannot share in this forum, because I know two in my home who cannot.

    A final thought:

    I am not trying to come off as "holier than thou." I probably enjoy looking at beautiful females as much as about anyone else. I have looked at plenty. I still occasionally visit the babe-a-day website to check them out when no one is looking! I, too, have my deamons! But, the issue is that the porn or soft porn has no purpose on this forum and is, in fact, highly inappropriate.

    Thank you, all, for reading this. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and God's blessings.


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