You must have been really wasted. Or it only rained in the north endzone. I remember vividly because I ruined my camera even though I had it wrapped up in a raincoat.
I work in publishing and picked up an advance copy of IT NEVER RAINS IN TIGER STADIUM at an industry meeting in NYC this summer. I was walking the convention floor and came across a HUGE stack of advance galleys in the ESPN Books booth. I thought "nah, couldn't be THAT Tiger Stadium," but sure enough, it was. Anyway, it is a EXCELLENT read. John Ed Bradley is a great writer and the book goes back and forth between his playing days under "Cholly Mac" and his struggle to transition into "normal life" after his football days were over. I think it will be published next month and I highly recommend it!
I remember before the ULM game in 2003 there was a real bad plumbing leak and an electrical problem, but rain...NEVER.