Well, THOUSANDS of visiting fans EACH AND EVERY WEEK disagree with you. The only place I hear (see) people complaining about BR is on internet message boards. The visitors I actually speak to first hand each and every week in BR all say they had a ball in BR and can't wait to return. I'll believe the first hand accounts over internet fodder any day.
He already drives a couple of hours to "support his team while they play in the greatest venue in college football"...every time he goes to Auburn on a Saturday. What he doesn't do is drive 8 hours to sit with a bunch of besotted cajuns cursing at their team getting beat!
Thats good because I didnt try to understand, only stating that I didnt. Glad we understand each other.
Don't make an initial comment like that and then refuse to back up your statement. If I went one the Auburn board and said something about how much Auburn, Alabama sucks and how I never want to go there...people there would be all over me, talking trash, and wondering why... Oh I know, he came to the 2001 game where we clinched the SEC West and further that year won the SEC...