on days where you have no access, try googling "TigerForums" under the main link, you'll see a link to TigersDen. you shold be able to get in like that, and then use the drop down menus to navigate from there, just don't go to the home page. Only problem is that's the old server. So anything new posted here, won't show up over there. And anything you post over there, won't show up over here. i've read that the server is causing this issue, but I'm starting to have my doubts. it only happens to my home computer, and NEVER at work, which leads me to believe it's something on my end. So for some reason,my home PC sometimes goes to new server, and sometimes not. If I can figure out why, I'd have it made.
Up until today nootch, that had been happening for me as well. Our internet service providers do not always connect to the same domain name server each time they query a website. In fact, they generally connect to a pool of domain name servers. In doing some uber geek tests, I noticed that one of the servers my isp was connecting to had the old address of TF. I forced my system to use the DNS that I knew worked.
Again, I'm sorry about the mess guys. There was something misconfigured in the DNS system, conflicting IP's, etc. My server manager found the problem and said he fixed it. Like anything to do with DNS, it can take up to a week for the entire Internet DNS system to catch up depending on your network. The good news is that the server is fast as hell.
We're going to be restructuring the way we present LSU news so it had to go. Sorry. We'll have something better soon.
I'm getting some issues today. Are you working on the system again Brett? Getting several "Oops! This link appears to be broken." I can reload and then they'll come up. It's like the access is blinking on and off.