Israel has started

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUpride123, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It's not hard to find. Internationally, public muslim support of Al Qaeda and islamic terror is more like 6% but it's dropping.

    from Wikipedia . . .

    Pew Research surveys in 2008 show that in a range of countries – Jordan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Lebanon, and Bangladesh – there have been substantial declines in the percentages saying suicide-bombings and other forms of violence against civilian targets can be justified to defend Islam against its enemies. Wide majorities say such attacks are, at most, rarely acceptable.

    Gallup conducted tens of thousands of hour-long, face-to-face interviews with residents of more than 35 predominantly Muslim countries between 2001 and 2007. It found that – contrary to the prevailing perception in the west that the actions of al-Qaeda enjoy wide support in the Muslim world – more than 90% of respondents condemned the killing of non-combatants on religious and humanitarian grounds.

    A 2005 Pew Research study that involved 17,000 people in 17 countries showed support for terrorism was declining in the Muslim world along with a growing belief that Islamic extremism represents a threat to those countries.

    A poll conducted in Osama bin Laden's home country of Saudi Arabia in December 2008 shows that his compatriots have dramatically turned against him, his organisation, Saudi volunteers in Iraq, and terrorism in general. Indeed, confidence in bin Laden has fallen in most Muslim countries in recent years.

    In Iraq, people of all persuasions unanimously reject the terror tactics against Iraqi civilians by the local al-Qaida. An ABC News/BBC/NHK poll revealed that all of those surveyed – Sunni and Shi'a alike – found al-Qaida attacks on Iraqi civilians "unacceptable"; 98% rejected the militants' attempts to gain control over areas in which they operated; and 97% opposed their attempts to recruit foreign fighters and bring them to Iraq.

    Come on. Illiterate, ill-advised, and poor third worlders riot in the streets and chant slogans all the time. It's what they do. Why do you think this is some kind of "us or them" threat that America should fear? There is a long lineup of people trying to get out of the middle east and live here.

    We sit in our wonderland behind the vast oceans, airspace, and orbital space that we control . . . rich, smart, and powerful and far more a threat to them than they to us. Let them march and chant. It is no threat to Americans. We should enjoy our prosperity and ignore distractions from the peanut gallery.
    silversvt01 and Contained Chaos like this.
  2. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    I think we live in a different world today than the 70’s and 80’s, by that I mean, these radicals such as Al Queda and others have access to more intel/creative ways of attacking our interest at home and abroad, and they continue to recruit more intillectual types PHD’s etc……

    Surely these “smart” ones are at least smart enough to not announce they support radical Islam, could get you a cruise missle on your front porch. And while I respect your polls and appreciate your research, I don’t agree with them…..much as you probably didn’t agree with polls showing the Republicans winning the election, they were obviously way off. I still believe the capability of our Military prevents a lot of them from coming out of the closet to show their support for the radical movements, but when they do pull one off they are dancing in the streets like ants around the world, including our own country.

    Furthermore, the recent so called “Arab Spring” turned out to be a radicals smoke screen that disappointed much of the diversity bewitched press, but was a big success for Islamist. Some Muslim Brotherhood now runs Egypt (the alleged cultural center of the Middle East), historically they don’t like us either. Muslims ejected standing governments in Tunisia, Libya and are agitating Syria and the whole damn region…….oh and it’s no surprise they just so happened to chose 9/11 to invade the US Embassy in Cairo and raise the al Queda flag, not to mention the killing of our Libyan Ambassador and the alleged sodomy of him before they killed him is a nice touch, you are well read I don’t feel the need to attach any links for this…..they don’t appear to be on the decline to me, my eyes and ears tell me that’s expansion, hence my us v/s them statement.
    I think it’s a matter of time before one of these assholes gets raped enough in the ass (something allowed by Jihad)

    by his own people to shove a Nuclear Missle up it and attack us…..joking obviously, but you get the point. Dudes fucking each other in the ass to better kill us is not acceptable, nor anal fucking corpses or half alive people to "purify" them in my book.

    You asked in an earlier post what my solution would be. Mr. Red (I call you Mr. because I just presume you are much older than me), I think you are maybe the only one on here I don’t agree with at times who actually does answer questions and gives well thought responses you do appear to always answer questions and support with data and opinon…..appreciated.

    My solution would be as soon as the Al Queda flag goes up in our embassy about 50 cruise missles (or whatever it takes) to wipe out about 10 square miles, sure tons of civilian casualties, but hey, take care of your people, keep your fucking country in line and if you can’t call for someone to help who can……keep these lunatics out of your country, you kill a couple of us we are going to kill 10 thousand of you…’s the only thing I think these barbaric people somewhat understand, former Dictators in the region understood it and it worked for them. Kill our ambassador? Look the fuck out here comes jets, missles and bombs for your Arab spring and not days later, I mean instantly! Hey somebody in that neighborhood killed him, how far out could he get if he drove as fast as he could in all directions by they time our missles get there, that's what you wipe out, be sure you got him too……I’m not calling for boots on the ground type response but something devestating that makes a long lasting impression of don't fuck with us, ever. :)
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Things are just so political now that people get up in arms over small things when considered against what it takes to win a war.

    We should not have leaders scared to offend anyone.
  4. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nov 1, 2003
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    Let them blow each other up. Be two less headaches to deal with.
  5. Expat

    Expat Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2011
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    I'm curious: Have you been out of the US? If so, where?

    I ask because I'm a US citizen living in a Muslim country (for a little over 2 years now), and I've been to several other Muslim countries. I work with, am friends with, and have met many of the civilians (Syrians, Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Iranians, Iraqis, Turks, Indian Muslims, Lebanese (my Lebanese friends are Christian, but I work with two who are Muslim), and Sudanese) that could become collateral damage under your plan.

    If you got to know some of them yourself, I wonder whether you might have different view?
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    I hate Muslims and think they are idiots, but to be fair I think that about Christians as well
    GregLSU likes this.
  7. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    I might, but the few I've met in Canada were of the opinion we were asking for it and had a "you deserved it" attitude.

    Saudi Arabia would be the only sandy soil I've set foot on, but throughout Europe, Mexico, Australia, Canada, BVI, China, Costa Rica, Honduras....New Zealand this upcoming Spring doubt there would be collateral damage, but they don't seem to mind any so why should we? Seems like a lot of collateral damage is something they understand.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i live among zillions of arabs and muslims and agree with expat that muslims are ok people, some more than others. Egyptians are sketchy, bangladeshis are friendly. but still, there is never any excuse for faith in any religion, its dangerous and stupid.

    its weird, there are no jews in astoria, they all live in brooklyn, which is good, i dont need any ethnic tensions on my street.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    What I'm hearing is that the facts don't really matter to you. You have your prejudices and you are going to keep them. Whatever, but I think you should be better informed.

    No it wasn't. The Arab Spring was a mostly secular uprising.

    You watch too many video games. Start thinking with your brains instead of your balls. Killing thousands of civilians who are not terrorists doesn't solve a goddamn damn thing and and hurts us by making us more enemies in the region. It sure as hell ain't the American way.

    What works is going after the terrorists specifically, no matter where they hide. But just going out and committing genocide because we are pissed off is simply ridiculous. Why can't you be satisfied with targeted missile strikes that are killing terrorists themselves in four countries without collateral civilian damage? Can't you be satisfied that we can go in and kill bin Ladin and others without carpet bombing civilians.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    we wish the arab spring was a secular uprising. it wasnt. the new bosses are as bad as the previous ones. these arab springs are not a bunch of thomas jeffersons preaching secular democracy. if they were, that would basically be the best thing that ever happened in human history, but its int the case.

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