Islstl and martin do not read this

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Tigerskin, Dec 24, 2004.

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  1. Tigerskin

    Tigerskin Founding Member

    First, I have not said I have this info. I have reported what others are saying. Again I ask, what has been proven wrong. Through the "insiders" we have learned a great deal including Nick wanted control and is apparently getting it, Nick's wife and daughter don't want to leave, it has not been a done deal to Miami like all the "news" people thought it was. And now Buddy saying Nick turned it down and WH flying in to try and sweeten the pot. Some of us can handle a lot of info and weed through it all while others only have the ability to interpret Nick getting up on the podium and saying I am leaving/staying. Since you are the latter, again it would be best if you logged off.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    dissent is not a valid part of discussion?

    i am sorry it hurts your feelings to hear a devil's advocate. also i enjoyed that large font you used to emphasize your disagreement.
  3. Paul Boz

    Paul Boz Founding Member

    First, it's always been known that Saban and his family like it here, and that his family doesn't want to leave. Second, Burtman wouldn't lie in an interview ( about Saban wanting money, he would say that it was being deliberated. It's not that some of us can handle lots of info and weed through it while others can only[font=&quot] understand[/font] Saban speaking, it's that several of us see through bull**** without having to weed through it..
  4. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Hey man, when he said islstl and martin, he also meant anyone who would try to mock his post.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    that makes no sense. if you tell me information, it is you i got it from.

    you very well might be 100% right about what you say. so what? we have no way to tell if you are right or wrong, so i see no reason to care. i see it amuses many other people, and that is fine too. it is my opinion that this sort of information is useless. just my opinion. i encourage you to post as much of it as you like.

    why, i like to watch how information spreads, it is fascinating.
  6. Tigerskin

    Tigerskin Founding Member

    If Saban stays and doesn't get an extra dime, I will give you 10 dollars. Care to reciprocate?Money is always a factor.You my friend are naive. Who is Burtman? :lol:
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    thats true. my arguing record against trees is 45-4.
  8. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Yeah martin, I remember that one time when you called that tree a big ole sap.

    You won that one.
  9. Paul Boz

    Paul Boz Founding Member

    Bertman has said numerous times that if saban stays it is because he wants to be here, not because of a renegociated contract. It's impossible for LSU to directly compete with an NFL caliber banroll. Hell, Saban is the highest paid ncaa football coach ever, and it's a drop in the bucket compared to NFL coaches salaries. I'm not saying that LSU's tapped out and can't offer more if they had to, but he already gets more than anyone else in the nation, and if thats not good enough than he SHOULD leave.

    also- it's really cool and edgy to point out people's spelling mistakes, especially when you're constantly posting crap that the neighbor's garbage man over heard and trying to pass it off as actual information. If you want i can write 20 times more drivel than you, but i don't want to come off as uninformed and ignorant. You keep talking about the validity of your sources, yet you don't give any proof. the **** you're posting is on the same level as the Enquirer..
  10. Tigerskin

    Tigerskin Founding Member

    I didn't think you would take the bet.
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