Islamic Jihadists Controlling U.S. Anti-Terrorism

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Spike, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    4000 words in response to 100 and I'm hysterical. :lol:

    Anyway, I'm certainly neither politically correct or a multiculturalist "loon".

    Your views seem extreme to me, and while I agree with the premise that Islam is not compatible with globalization (which is why you want to close the borders), I do not agree that the answer is to just lock our door.

    Engagement on all fronts is the only answer. Otherwise, you're just garrisoning up for the big one. Based on history with Islamic extremists, not a good plan.
  2. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    I couldn't resist just one (of what would be hours worth of) example(s) of why your diatribe holds no water.

    Diversity (big D) and multiculturalism may be similar. But I said I like diversity (little d) in American culture. One culture, diverse races, religions, etc.

    Those who don't value American liberty (the facet that allows/encourages diversity in our culture), don't value American culture. Rugged individualism - Teddy Roosevelt and all that.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Let me point out a couple of things:

    1. Al Qaeda is a couple of thousand hardened guerilla terrorists hiding among a billion ordinary muslims, mostly illiterate and trying to scrape out a living.

    2. It makes sense to concentrate our resources on eliminating that particular problem. It is doable and it is being done.

    3. It's ****ing stupid to try to take on and hold a billion muslims worldwide accountable for the crimes of these few Al Qaeda kooks. It's an impossible, unwinnable, and completely unnecessary job that squanders our treasure on Gung-ho Rambo fantasies that are completely counterproductive.
  4. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    I'm sorry but it takes a long post to thoroughly explain my positions and if it is too much for you to handle and digest, then that is not my problem.

    I didn't say you were a loon, but it's unequivocal that you believe in political correct multiculturalism and diversity by your own admission, even though it is also clear you don't even know what it is. Indeed, it is one of the reasons why you are so confused and also one of the reasons why you consider me to be an extremist.

    Uhm...where or when did I advocate closing and locking the door to immigration? I mean the first thing I mentioned was that I believe in and support legal immigration. As a matter of fact, I consider legal immigration to be critical to our continued success as a country.

    However, I don't support immigration that allows for illiterate third worlders who are antithetical to our culture, illiterate and unskilled illegal Mexican immigrants and their families who already broke our laws and will inevitably become a burden to society, and Muslims that only immigrate to one day make Islam supreme and never ever assimilate and integrate since they are conditioned to have a one track mind which forces them to strive in the cause of Allah.

    Indeed, I believe the current Ted Kennedy immigration laws on the books are incredibly detrimental to our future survival as a country and should be reworked ASAP to be much more selective in who we enable to immigrate to our country, as unlike you I do not believe in diversity and therefore multiculturalism, that you ignorantly celebrate even while it leads to the Balkanization of our society,

    I mean look at our colleges and universities that have already been hijacked by the left, we find courses in Whiteness Studies that does nothing but vilify and demonize the white race as evil incarnate. This sort of insane nonsense and extremism has to stop!

    In any event, there have never been more people on the planet than there are today. Thus, there are plenty of literate people to choose from that will be both compatible with our society and also be able to become contributing and productive members of our society immediately, exactly as the overwhelming majority of immigrants in the past were during our immigration hey days.

    It would not only be ludicrous to open up the floodgates to non-white incompatible illiterate and unskilled third worlders like the left thanks to Ted Kennedy has been advocating, doing, and celebrating since 1964, but it will eventually destroy America as we know it, which is exactly what the left like a 5th column has been striving to accomplish for many years in more ways than just one.

    Indeed, if anyone is an extremist, since you obviously openly embrace some of the left's most radical views, it would obviously be you and not me because I reject all of their views, which is also why you consider my views to be extreme.

    As a matter of fact, my views can only be considered to be extreme if you are anti-American or otherwise a political correct multicultural loon who has been brainwashed and deceived into believing that somehow diversity and multiculturalism is good for America, but diversity and multiculturalism is never good for any society much less America's because it always leads to the Balkanization of society. Indeed, united we stand, divided we fall! As matter of fact, I can't think of a better way to destroy a society from within than to do it via diversity and multiculturalism, which is the left's stealth plan.

    In other words, of course, more political correct multiculturalism and diversity is the answer according to you. Indeed, you have been so brainwashed that you believe engagement on all fronts with Muslims who are bent on subjugating us in the name of Allah is the only answer. Give me a break. Not only that but when it comes to history, you also don't have a clue!

    Actually, the answer is just the opposite. The entire non-Islamic world should disengage from the Islamic world and isolate it ASAP, since without engagement the Islamic world is incapable of producing anything on its own and would inevitably revert back to extreme poverty and squalor, and only when it becomes reduced to extreme poverty and squalor relative to the rest of the world, will most of its adherents take a good long introspective look at exactly what Islam is and why it is a totally bankrupt ideology and religion that can only lead to more extreme poverty and squalor.

    As a matter of fact, it is only through engagement on all fronts with other cultures that Islam inevitably tries to infiltrate that allows it to prosper and to continue to subsume other civilizations. Disengage from it and Islam will soon wither on the vine. I mean they can't even produce their own oil and are totally dependent on the West in that regard, and it is only through engagement with Islam that enables it to grow, spread, and expand.

    If you weren't so brainwashed and also obviously thoroughly confused you'd already know that diversity is multiculturalism. Not only that but you'd also already know and realize that diversity inevitably always leads to the Balkanization of society, which then can be exploited by the left for political gain, namely in this country by the Dhimmicrat Party.

    Indeed, look at Black society, it has flat out refused to assimilate into American society and it has been ravaged over the years by Dhimmicrat exploitation for political gain that is still going strong to this day.

    In other words, you fully celebrate the Balkanization of American society or the division and the carving up of American society into many separate compartments each with very different and diverse interests and aspirations, and not only support it but also encourage more of it at the same time that you also vilify and demonize the concept of united we stand and divided we fall. Like I said, you may consider me to be an extremist, but I consider you to be both a political correct multicultural nutcase and an anti-American and if that is not extreme, then nothing is!

    Like I already mentioned, your knowledge of history is really atrocious and severely lacking to say the least, which accounts for your ignorance's being so thoroughly exploited. Teddy Roosevelt was one of the original progressives and it is progressivism today that is at the root of all of America's problems. Indeed, you are part of the problem and certainly not part of the solution.
  5. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    Let me point out that a couple of things constitutes just two things and not three things, as that is actually a few things.

    Actually, about the same percentage of Muslims elect to become violent jihadists as Americans volunteer to join America's all volunteer army, and for obvious reasons most Muslims elect to pursue their obligation for jihad via non-violent stealth means.

    Moreover, I would not go so far as to classify jihadists as guerrilla fighters, because most Muslims aren't guerrilla fighters or for that matter freedom fighters since all devout Muslims are slaves of Allah and hate and despise freedom.

    Neither would I classify jihad as terrorism, since all Muslims whenever they fight will always resort to the tactics of total warfare (terrorism) no matter the circumstances and whether or not it is against fellow Muslims or against non-Muslim kafir infidels, since all Muslims have been inculcated to emulate their prophet, Muhammad, the uswa hasana, the perfect model and excellent example for emulation?

    Thus, when you see a Muslim on the Internet lopping off the head of a helpless kafir infidel while hollering Allahu Ackbar, what you are actually witnessing, besides an extremely vial act of brutality, is a Muslim trying to become a more pious and virtuous Muslim by emulating the prophet, because the prophet when he was still alive used to scream and holler Allahu Ackbar when lopping off the heads of kafir infidels.

    In addition, neither does illiteracy or poverty have anything whatsoever to do with jihadism, as Muslim jihadists, like OBL, are motivated by Islam's mandate to conquer and subsume the world via the imposition of Sharia.

    As a matter of fact, the odds are that the more a Muslim is illiterate and poverty stricken, the more likely it will be that he will also be ignorant of Islam's highest mandate and therefore not be a participant in that endeavor, since he will be too busy eking out a living.

    Indeed, it is the most literate Muslims that we must watch out far, as the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were all either college educated or were attending college, as the Fort Hood terrorist was a highly educated psychiatrist, and the underwear bomber came from a very prominent and rich family in Nigeria altogether clearly indicate. In other words, the stereotypes that the left always tries to apply to vilify and demonize capitalism and globalization must be resisted in this case when it comes to the threat that emanates from Islam.

    I agree it is very doable, but I disagree with you because it is not being done, since under Bush, who was a political correct multicultural loon and B. Hussein Obama who is even worse off than Bush was, instead of targeting our enemies, obliterating them, and then creating deterrence at the same time as we did in the past, we are pursuing instead endless fantasy based nation building missions meant to lift Muslims up out of poverty in order to win their hearts and minds, which is literally impossible since Muslims, per their religion, are obligated to hate our kafir infidel guts no matter what.

    As a matter of fact, it is the reason OBL and AQ paid us back on 9/11 after all the help we gave them in ejecting the old Soviet Union from Afghanistan in the 80s. You can appease them all you want, but it is obvious that you will only be repaid with more 9/11 like attacks and never ever win their hearts and minds, as Muslims, per their religion, are obligated to hate all non-Muslim kafir infidels.

    Indeed, in Afghanistan today, per the rules of engagement, the Taliban can fire at our soldiers, yet our soldiers can't fire back. Not only that but any captured Taliban must be released to rejoin the fight within 96 hours lest we anger the Muslims we are trying to win the hearts and minds of. I mean its political correct multiculturalism on steroids being employed in Afghanistan today and it is inevitable that we will fail miserably again.

    Why? There is only 1 billion Muslims in the world today but at the same time there are more than 5 billion non-Muslim kafir infidels. Why do you believe that like dhimmis we should all automatically defer to Islam? Don't the rest of us 5 billion non-Muslim kafir infidels get a say so too?

    Further, without getting into the texts and tenants of Islam, which I could, it is demonstrably false and absolutely ludicrous to assume that the political correct multicultural model whereby Islam is a so-called Religion of Peace
    and that the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims living in the world today are peaceful and moderate is accurate.

    Indeed, if that were the case, then why throughout the Islamic world and in every Muslim country in the world where the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world live, save for those countries that until relatively recently used to be a part of the old Soviet Union where Islam had long been suppressed, are non-Muslim kafir infidels residing in those Muslim countries always systematically persecuted, discriminated against, and often violently oppressed. I mean is that the way that peaceful and moderate people conduct themselves?

    n addition, if Muslims are so peaceful and moderate and Islam is truly a so-called Religion of Peace, then why have the majority of Muslim emigrants in every non-Muslim country in the world where mass Muslim immigration has occurred refused to assimilate and integrate and instead have formed Muslim no-go zones ruled by Sharia and in direct contravention to the laws of the states in which they reside as soon as the percentage of Muslim emigrants becomes sufficient?

    Moreover, if Muslims are so peaceful and moderate and Islam is truly a so-called Religion of Peace™, then why does every country in the world that shares a border with a Muslim country, besides just only Israel, is facing jihad, while at the same time the Muslims just like clock work always claim to be the victims?

    And I could go on and on, but for the sake of brevity I will just say it is because obviously Islam isn't a Religion of Peace™ but instead a Religion of Conquest that seeks world domination.

    In addition, if you believe the extent of the problem we have with Islam is just OBL and AQ, then it is very obvious that you are as blind, gullible, and naive as that useful idiot B. Hussein Obama. Which is not surprising since you blindly accepted the taqiyya of CAIR, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, without question.

    Finally, I actually advocate that we institute a policy of disengagement from the Islamic world and isolate it, since it is obvious that because of their so-called religion Muslims are completely dependent upon non-Muslims to provide everything for them, as without us the Muslims are incapable of producing anything else except misery, brutality, and inhumane torture and oppression.

    Now, this is not to say that we shouldn't address and eliminate the most pressing problems, such as OBL and AQ, the Iranians getting nukes, the House of Saud's extensive proliferation of the jihad ideology worldwide, the OIC's campaign to silence all criticism of Islam, etc., etc., etc. As I believe certain extenuating circumstances must be addressed and nipped in the bud once and for all.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Thank you, Inspector Clouseau .

    You can't back up any of this.

    I know you don't know it, but you've gone round the bend. :insane:

    I think a hear a cuckoo in the cukooberry tree . . .

    Your ignorance of current events is astonishing.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    This is a lie.

    This is a lie.

    You are making up things to argue with now.

    Idle boasts. You really should take your meds.

    This is perhaps the worse sentence I have every tried to read.

    Why don't you just goose-step off into the sunset now.
  7. flabengal

    flabengal Founding Member

    Is this a private fight or can anyone join in?:lol:
  8. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Mexifornia by Victor Davis Hanson. Great read, even if you don't like his politics (he's one of them Barry Goldwater Conservative types...).

    Multiculuralism = bad. Diversity = good. They are different unless you are a racist/supremacist who views everyone not like them as a threat.

    flabengal - just as soon join in, it's the offseason...
  9. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member


    Oh yeah I can, but with respect to you it would probably be next to impossible because you are so blinded by political correct multiculturalism and otherwise completely ignorant of Islam and Muslims, except for the multicultural myths that you have been fed like horse manure and obviously have swallowed.

    Oh...I forgot, they resort to terrorism because of poverty and despair, and because the evil capitalist and imperialist Americans oppress and exploit them. There satisfied now that I've toed the line and stuck with the political correct narrative.

    Me too and it is a red headed one.

    Yeah right. And I bet you really believe it is ignorance too.'s lies:

    Yeah it all came right off the top of my head. Nevertheless, non-Muslims out number Muslims by more than 5 to 1 and Muslims are waging a global jihad against all non-Muslims. You can't deny that. Thus, while you are perfectly willing to defer to Islam like a dhimmi, don't assume the rest of us are.

    In any event, you are so clueless you no doubt don't even know what a dhimmi is much less what the institution of Dhimmitude is. Hence, that's your homework assignment for the night, to learn everything you can about the institution of Dhimmitude and dhimmis, because you are a dhimmi!

    Why would I need to take meds to study the texts and tenants of Islam. I must admit it is somewhat depressing, but not that depressing.'s a message board and not a grammar board so get over yourself, but in any event you can't deny that Muslims throughout the Dar al Islam systematically persecute, discriminate against, and often violently oppress non-Muslims living inside their countries. Even though you were hoping to dodge that inconvenient fact. Nice try though.

    Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and prove just one thing I have said with respect to Muslims and Islam isn't true.

  10. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    wtf did you create another user to continue this and not continue under the single k user name? :huh:

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