Islamic Jihadists Controlling U.S. Anti-Terrorism

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Spike, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Well, I didn't read it that way. But it's irrelevant. In order to specifically stop Muslim terrorists from illegally entering the country, you have to completely seal the borders, which is whacko and will never happen.

    Sealing the borders is ridiculous, unprecedented for a country with borders like we have, and futile. Islamic terrorism is a global systemic issue and border security is a local topical salve that won't even begin to address the issue.

    The reason we won't have sealed borders (even if it was a good idea, which it isn't) is that it cannot be done.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    We have 7 million muslim US citizens here. They don't have to enter the country.
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Yes they do, we don't need 7 million more Muslims here.
    We don't need them entering on the scale that illegals enter into this country.
    We don't need them to riot and cause trouble like they do in France and other European countries.
  4. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    And this also too as well.
  5. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Even though this reads like a semi-hysterical rant...

    I will say this. America's ability to absorb immigrants and have them become "American" has been key over the past 200 years or so. If we cease encouraging immigrants to assimilate, and encourage/allow segregation and enclaves, then we're asking to live France's (and Germany's and Great Britain's) "multicultural" hell.

    I love the idea of one, very diverse, American culture. I hate the idea of so-called multiculturalism. What it really means is no-culturalism.

    But back to the what you're saying is - no more Muslim immigrants. Right? So, describe that litmus test for me. Do you just ask, "Are you a Muslim?" Since they know they'll be turned away, how can you tell if they're lying when they say, "no". There's no blood test for religion....

    Can't base it on race, because there are Muslim's in every race and not all Arabs are Muslims (though the percentage is very high).

    It just doesn't make any sense. Unless you want to shut down immigration to anyone who's not Japanese or Israeli- probably the only two races not likely to have many (if any) Muslims. That's not going to happen, nor should it.
    1 person likes this.
  6. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    I agree but that has stopped in recent years.
    This has already happened and yes I expect Germany and GB's hell to happen in this country in the future with the way things are going.
    I hope I'm wrong here.
    Everything including public schools is now in English or Spanish.
    Some of them speak only Spanish and fly their Mexican flags as they cruise down town.
    People are already not assimilating with the rest of us and some that have are terrorists who attack and kill innocent people.
    I agree with this and this is why you should agree somewhat with me.
    Can't you see this is the road we are headed, multiculturalism?
    Its easy to see.
    Yes and no, now for specifics....
    We should run background checks on anyone entering the country it doesn't matter what religion they are but we should pay close attention to anyone from certain countries.
    We should also have better moral for border patrol and have better control at our borders.
    They should not be allowed in the country until a total background check is done.
    I'm talking about doing things the smart way, something our government just doesn't do.
    I think I have already answered above but you can also profile by race, I disagree.
    You can probably profile not only by race but by country and race.
    I will change my mind when Japanese or American Muslims blow buildings up and kill people.
    The dude on the Army base doesn't count, he was from the middle east so he fits the profile.
    Well you may have to temporarily shut down immigration to fix the immigration problems inside the government.

    WE will soon cease to be Americans because Illegals from other countries will out number us in the future.
    I've already answered this as well above.
    If we have the technology to do a lot of things we do we have to have the technology to address and fix these problems.
    The problem is that there isn't any will to do it because of votes and I promise you this will be the downfall of the country!
  7. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

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    Army Investigates Alleged Attempt by Soldiers to Poison Food at Fort Jackson - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
  8. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    Why do you perceive I have an ax to grind? I recognize the fact that the majority of Muslims don't immigrate to assimilate and integrate but instead to eventually make Islam supreme. It's not that I have an ax to grind, it's that unlike a lot of people I haven't been blinded by political correct multiculturalism like you have.

    Actually, you are wrong. After 9/11 it would have been exceedingly easy to ban Muslim emigration because the memory of 9/11 was still very fresh in people's minds and if we would have had a President who wasn't really a stealth liberal that was completely blinded by political correct multiculturalism like his dad posing as a conservative, a very strong case could have been made to ban and reverse Muslim immigration.

    Instead, we had a loon who repeated ad nauseum every chance he had the political correct multicultural myth that Islam is a Religion of Peace
    ™ and the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are peaceful and moderate, which is absolutely demonstrably false. In fact, instead of holding the people who were most responsible for the biggest intelligence failure in American history to account and then firing them, he appointed a bipartisan commission to investigate the security failure and thereby at the same time ensured that those most responsible for the failures would never be held accountable. As a matter of fact, he even promoted some of them, such as Condi “Appeaser” Rice.

    In any event, under Bush and per the bipartisan 9/11 Commission's bigger government recommendations, we needlessly doubled the size of the federal government and today we are actually far more vulnerable than ever before, and because Bush refused to fire those that were most responsible for the 9/11 failure, our federal government also got stocked up with political correct multicultural loons exactly like the ones that should have been held responsible and fired for 9/11. It's also why the Muslim terrorist attack like the one at Fort Hood that should have been stopped long before it ever happened nonetheless can happen so easily today. In fact, we are more afraid of being accused of intolerance today than we are of terrorist attacks.

    Nevertheless, had the American people been presented with the real facts regarding Islam and Muslims, which would have resulted in the banning and reversal of Muslim emigration, and the government officials responsible for the 9/11 security breech held accountable and fired instead of doubling the size of the federal government, today we would not only be exponentially far safer than we are today since no Muslims equals no possibility of Islamic terrorist attacks, but those trillion dollar budget deficits we are incurring today wouldn't be happening either.

    Not to mention that we never would have chased our tail for all those years trying to win the hearts and minds of Muslims in both Iraq and Afghanistan. As a matter of fact, instead we would have kicked ass, created deterrence, and then gone home without pursuing pie in the sky liberal fantasy based nation building missions meant to lift up Muslims out of poverty and win their hearts and minds, which, by the way, is literally impossible to do since I'm sorry but Muslims are obligated to hate our guts, per their religion, no matter what.

    Really, 9/11 wasn't enough to convince you? Man you are hard to convince! In any event, what do Muslims have to contribute to America that makes doubling the size of our federal government and federal spending, not to mention the lost of privacy and the many security inconveniences we must all now endure just to accommodate Muslim immigration worth it, other than honor killings, genital mutilation, oppression of gays, institutionalized oppression of women and non-Muslim dhimmis, institutionalized prejudice against all non-Muslim kafir infidels, extreme bigotry against Jews and other non-Muslim kafir infidels, riots against Israel, rampant anti-Semitism, worldwide riots against Muhammad cartoons, violence, riots, and condemnations against any and all criticism of Islam, legitimate or otherwise, Islamic supremacism, refusal to assimilate and integrate, backwardness, barbarianism, intimidation, constant demands for Islamic Sharia Law, subversion to remove all obstacles to the eventual imposition of Islamic Sharia Law, Muslim no go zones, incessant claims of victimhood, false, fake, and non-existent claims of discrimination and persecution, exploitation of our freedoms and laws for the purpose of subverting us and using those laws against us to eventually make Islam supreme, incessant threats of terrorism, and more Islamic terrorist attacks?

    I mean can you point to just one non-Muslim country anywhere in the world where mass Muslim emigration has occurred where the majority of the Muslim emigrants actually assimilated and integrated instead of forming Muslim no-go zones ruled by Sharia and in direct contravention to the laws of the states in which they reside? Indeed, can you point to just one Western country anywhere in the world where mass Muslim emigration was a success instead of an unmitigated disaster?

    How about pointing to a single Muslim country, other than maybe a former Soviet country where Islam was long suppressed, where the non-Muslim kafir infidels that reside in their countries aren't systematically persecuted, discriminated against, and often violently oppressed? Even though some people have the audacity to insanely assert that Islam is a so-called Religion of Peace
    ™ and the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are peaceful and moderate, the reality of that assertion is very demonstrably false if you just open your eyes and aren't afraid to look.

    Moreover, can you point to a country that allowed for the emigration of Muslims into their country that hasn't inevitably become the victim of Islamic terrorist attacks? How about a country where Muslim immigration hasn't occurred yet but that has been the victim of Islamic terrorist attacks?

    Or can you point to a non-Muslim country that shares a border with a Muslim country, other than Israel, that isn't the victim of jihad today?

    I mean there is a very strong case to be made against Muslim immigration, but that case today is being suppressed by the dominance of political correct multiculturalism that permeates our society and the leftwing hijacked so-called MSM, and on top of that if you examine the texts and tenants of Islam and look at how those texts and tenants are interpreted and accepted by the worldwide body of Muslims of all sects, then it becomes obvious that Muslim immigration must be banned and reversed, unless Western civilization has some sort of death wish.

    Actually, it is the other way around as the recent Fort Hood Islamic terrorist attack more than demonstrates. Not to mention the attempted Christmas attack over Detroit that except for the love of God should have been a success.

    Remember, per the 9/11 commission recommendations, we doubled the size of our federal government and federal spending, but because we never fired those political correct multicultural loons most responsible for 9/11, those federal agencies most responsible for protecting us today are stocked and filled by political correct multicultural loons just as blind as the loons that were responsible for dropping the ball so badly on 9/11 .

    Nevertheless, had we banned and reversed Muslim emigration instead while also sealing off the borders, not only would we not have doubled the size of the federal government and federal spending, but no Muslims equals no chance of Islamic terrorist attacks, which means that today we would all be exponentially far safer and for far less money as well. Not to mention that we wouldn't have wasted all that blood, sweat, and tears in Afghanistan and Iraq as well, since we would not have been blinded by political correct multiculturalism like we are today.

    Indeed, while there are still a lot of so-called conservatives that have their heads stuck up Bush's ass, I'm not one of them. As a matter of fact, I consider that stealth big government liberal to be as destructive and incompetent as Jimmy Carter was.
  9. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    Per CAIR, which is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding case, which resulted in the convictions for those involved. In actuality, we have somewhere between 2.5 to 3 million Muslims residing in the USA, but for as much noise as they make, you'd never know it.
  10. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    If anyone is hysterical, that would be you.

    Now...I have nothing against legal immigration. However, unlike most political correct multicultural loons, I do believe we should strictly limit who we decide to let immigrate, as those people should not become wards of the state but instead become fully contributing and productive member of our society.

    Moreover, the last thing we need is immigrants who refuse to assimilate and integrate and otherwise fail to matriculate into contributing and productive members of society, as the vast overwhelming majority of Muslim emigrants all over the West are doing today.

    In the past, it was European mass immigration that helped make America great, but at that time we must also remember that most of those European immigrants were not only perfectly compatible with our society, but they were also more often than not more educated and skilled than average Americans of the time were as well.

    Whereas political correct multicultural loons today advocate opening up the floodgates to either millions of illiterate and unskilled illegal Mexican emigrants or otherwise to third world emigrants to include also mass Muslim emigration, which would inevitably result in the destruction of the USA as we know it today.

    Thus, let me reiterate, I fully support immigration, but at the same time I support that we limit it to those people who are fully compatible already with our society and to those people that are already equipped to become contributing and productive members of our society, instead of wards of the state or worse, a growing fifth column like in the case of Muslim emigrants.

    You are very confused, diversity and multiculturalism are two sides of the same coin.

    Here's a litmus test for you and it's really just old fashion common sense, but other than honor killings, genital mutilation, oppression of gays, institutionalized oppression of women and non-Muslim dhimmis, institutionalized prejudice against all non-Muslim kafir infidels, extreme bigotry against Jews and other non-Muslim kafir infidels, riots against Israel, rampant anti-Semitism, worldwide riots against Muhammad cartoons, violence, riots, and condemnations against any and all criticism of Islam, legitimate or otherwise, Islamic supremacism, refusal to assimilate and integrate, backwardness, barbarianism, intimidation, constant demands for Islamic Sharia Law, Muslim no go zones, incessant claims of victimhood, false, fake, and non-existent claims of discrimination and persecution, exploitation of our freedoms and laws for the purpose of subverting us and using those laws against us to eventually make Islam supreme, subversion to remove all obstacles to the eventual imposition of Islamic Sharia Law, incessant threats of terrorism, and more Islamic terrorist attacks, what do Muslims have to contribute to American society?

    I mean is all their excess baggage really worth it. Are they the type of people that we should put at the top of the priority list? Just because the delusional Euroloons go jump into the lake, should we too? Are you so afraid of being labeled intolerant or xenophobic that you believe we should cave in to political correct multiculturalism and allow for the infiltration of a 5th column into our country like the delusional Euroloons? reality Islam is a very violent ideology that obligates its adherents to strive for the eventual subjugation of all non-Muslim kafir infidels. It hides behind the curtain of being a religion. In fact, making Islam supreme throughout the world via the imposition of Sharia is the highest mandate of Islam. Indeed, it is its sole purpose.

    Moreover, Islam in stark contrast to all other religions is a religion of submission where the freedom of conscience is forbidden, as the penalty for blasphemy and apostasy is death, and Islam also in stark contrast to all other religions is also the only religion that has its own law, Sharia (God's Law), that seeks to control every aspect of its adherents lives down to the smallest details. Thus, it is clearly not a religion but just another totalitarian system masquerading as a religion and thus should be reclassified ASAP as such.

    In other words, because of political correct multiculturalism there isn't anything we can do to protect ourselves and thus we should all just resign ourselves to being infiltrated by Muslims and to eventually becoming oppressed dhimmis inside our own countries. Yeah right!

    Moreover genius, approximately 20 percent of Israel's population consists of Muslims who, by the way, share all the same rights with their Jewish counterparts, as many of them are serving as city councilman, alderman, mayors, judges, members of Knesset, ambassadors, cabinet members, and as Supreme Court Justices.

    In stark contrast, the so-called Palestinians, who prior to the 1967 Six Day War didn't exist, are the wholly created proxies of the Dar al Islam. There sole responsibility is to never let Israel rest and to in the long term erode Israel's will to resist until the final assault can come. In other words, they will never make peace with Israel and even if they did, it would not stop the Dar al Islam from pursuing its jihad against Israel.

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