C'mon MikeD, be nice. Welcome LSUGuad02! It's an honor to have an official member of the LSU Color Guard as a member. Tell all of your fellow color guard members and fellow students to join us as well. Hope you'll stick around and thanks for doing such a fine job representing LSU.
Yeah, back off MikeD. At least she's out there supporting the team in a major way. The colorguard is as important as the rest of the dancers, cheerleaders and band.
Another Tiger Fan trapped in the phony tiggerland and gamecockville? It's nice to know I am not alone as a POW!
Jeez it was just a joke. I'm sure they're good looking, however not as good looking as the Golden Girls.
I'm friends with a girl who was a member of the "Colorguard" in high school and we like to tease her by using the "F" word during pregame.