All you have to do is ask them "Show me the back to back championship trophies." They earned one this season, but last season, they were #2, they'll just have to accept it and move on.
I am just going to let it go. There is nothing we can do about it. The media will screw us everytime. So as far as I am concerened its old news. The only people who think we are National Champions are people in the State of Louisiana. And since thats really the only people I can associate with I will simply move on. I am tired of getting frustrated about it.
I am not, Congrats to USC on this championship, but I am DYING to get to Southern Cal and pretend to be a big USC fan and ask them to show me their 2003 National Championship trophy. All I'll get is a bunch of mumbling about the AP trophy, newspaper clippings, and a couple coupons to Waffle House that the AP presented them. :lol:
Thanks Proud Tiger, you said it better then I did. Just move on, its over. We are the 2003 BCS national champions, USC or the media can jump up and down all they want, but if you look it up. Thats the fact.
UGH I agree....I'm so SICK of hearing about USC and B2B NC. Come see OUR trophy from last year, fellas....ya ain't got a matching pair. Kinda funny how Pete Carroll all of a sudden is a supporter of the BCS too ("this is the system we live with" blah blah blah) how the tune changes when it's in your favor. What a dork. Let's move on, people....when's the spring game?!?! :helmet:
USC was no. 2 last year, and they won this year. Those are the facts. Anything else is a fraud. I think I even heard one of their players say in the interviews that "the crystal football is what everyone wants." Exactly, because that signifies the true national champion.