There is a conference call this afternoon with Tennessee, LSU and the SEC, we should know more after that.
Okay cause it seemed like you were making an absolute statement about the western side. I wasn't in BR but I heard even they had large power outages and other wind damage. The point I guess is that if the eye hits in the galveston-beaumont region, there still should be a decent chance the game could be played by Saturday night barring a major change in path. Of course the biggest concern is can Tenn. fly in when the storm is coming onshore and its winds will have the greatest reach. I still think people should not freak out yet until we have a better idea of where the storm is late tonight/early tomorrow.
True but the new landfall spot is now east of Galveston Bay which is more towards Port Authur. And from the recent radar the storm has seemed to grow east side heavy. I mean the storm itself from tip to tip is roughly 300 miles wide so its pretty large area gonna be effected. But you are right they will know better tommorrow morning where it is gonna hit. But by then it is getting to late to do anything.