Well what you fail to realize is with Katrina dry air got into the west side of the storm and KILLED it. For those without power could not see it but the entire west side vanished because of that dry air. That is way parts west were spared any major damage.
Well he's right. The enitre West side of Katrina WAS sheered off. Probably saving us from getting it A LOT worse. That is indisputable fact.
The problem with this storm is that Baton Rouge is almost at a pivot point for the storm... as it passes to the south and sweeps around the west, we will stay at about the same distance from the storm's center... if we are in the rain area, we will likely stay in it for 2 days.. thats alot of rain... The field conditions will be terrible.. the main concerns will be possible tornados and high wind...
Nice to know you don't have a sense of humor. Not sure why you're attacking me but it's pretty juvenile. The wind shear didn't kill the western side of the storm as much as you sensationalize. My house is in Mandeville and I witnessed tons of houses receive substantial damage on the WESTERN side of the hurricane. That's fact chief, get over it.
I'd understand if the game had to be cancelled or delayed, but I am still going to be PISSED about all this junk. Is there a chance the game doesn't get played? Of course. It doesn't seem like you (you as in the general public) are hearing much about it though. LSU might be trying to downplay it, which makes me think that this game will be played unless there's no other option.
I do have a sense of humor and did not interrput your comment as such I apoloigize for that. And of course the western side attached to the eye wall the part that hit Mandeville and Sildell did not weaken. I never said it did. Your comment was directed towards BR and Layfatte not recieveing damage from Katrina and that was what i was pointing out. And that is what I based my comment on.