The amount of rain will not be a factor in the decision to play the game. We managed to play the OSU game last year after several inches of rain fell in a very short period of time. Unlike New Orleans, water will drain out of Tiger Stadium. The big issue will be travel for Tennessee. The closer the storm comes to Louisiana, greater the chance they may not be able to get into BR.
Sorry but you are wrong. Back for 9/11, the SEC initially said it was going to play, but then bowed down to public outcry and did not play any games that weekend.
TP article Looks like they are taking a wait and see attitude but unless it makes a drastic turn, I can't believe they would postpone it being so far away from where the eye makes landfall. Katrina was just as big and all we got in Lafayette was rain and some wind for about 4 hours. The biggest problem is if it makes landfall and stalls, but no one would know until they day of landfall. I saw don't worry about it and play. :thumb:
Watch the wind projections. The game will be played in heavy rain, it has before. But if there are winds over 20 MPH and there is no way they are going to let people into the stadium. Its too late to move the game. If the storm comes east it will likely be canceled. Or perhaps be played the week after the SECCG. I just hope they don't cancel too early. Wait and see where landfall actually occurs. It could wobble westward again.
You also have travel considerations for Tennessee. If the path of Rita is still unclear by tomorrow morning, I can see where the game may be cancelled or postponed. I hope they don't make a quick decision today. And I don't see how the game can be played after the SECCG seeing it would have an impact on who will be playing in the SECCG.