Where are you getting this info? Prescription drugs and Medical services have some of the highest markups of any product or services you will ever purchase.
Of course not. They negotiate rates that they can make money on or they opt out of medicare. The posted rates are inflated for negotiation purposes. The insurance companies don't pay them either.
Not if the group buying it is the government. I've posted numerous links attesting to this. The CEO of the Mayo Clinic has stated it. Why does nobody understand this? Really? They just opt out of Medicare. You gloss over the fact that most of these hospitals are not for profit and can't opt out of Medicare. Not to mention, all hospitals must stabilize patients regardless of hospital policy on treating government sponsored patients. The posted rates for insurance companies are inflated and they don't pay them but those are not the same rates as Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare and Medicaid rates are lower. Below actual cost of care in fact.
The first thing you have to audit is, are all your assumptions correct. I don't think they are, start with number 1. It is not true in medicare, so why would it be true in the new system? If the first assumption is wrong, then all following assumptions do not logically follow, so the entire argument is false.
Reimbursements.....sorry. Number one is definitely correct. Perhaps, but taken in globo it is true. exactly!
It is an accurate statement. The procedures where providers do not get totally raped by medicare are on things like standard office visits, wellcare visits, some shots, and other kind of low end of the cost scale procedures. When it comes to higher end things providers get shafted. Medicare does not pay jack to gastro enterologists for example. Don't get polyps after age 65.