Well, martin says the Post Office can't compete with FedEx because the government is inefficient. So why can't the private insurers compete against the government if the government is inefficient? Which is it?
I seem to remember reading something about employers being forced to enroll everyone in some sort of national healthcare exchange program and you would be required to have regular checkups, regardless of whether you had a private plan or not. I could be remembering that wrong though.
the government doesnt actually "compete". they are above the rules. they dont have to do anything to earn money. they just take it.
Because they are buying the same service at different costs. Leave the post office out of it. It's no the same in scope of services or in sheer size. How does private insurance compete if gov't insurance dictates its own payments and they are under the cost of care?
Who says it will do this? The medicare prescription plan is a government health plan, but the government doesn't offer the coverage, private insurers do. And they are doing quite well, thank you.
I posted examples in an earlier post. Let's just say I think the CEO of the Mayo Clinic and the decision makers at Temple University have slightly more knowledge on the subject than you and me. I have now asked the question about five times with no one even making an attempt to explain it.
Damn, he amigoed me! I'm definitely listening but all I hear is how government will pay for the cost of services with no explanation of how. Pretty much what Obama is saying. I'm not trying to be an ass, I really want to know how this is going to work but no one has an answer.
Here's a good article on the subject..... Yahoo! Personal Finance: Calculators,Money Advice,Guides,& More