My statement is my statement, I didnt state that being an oportunist was a valid motive, you said that. Because you are definitely cherry picking, what is the difference in calling fox completely conservative to calling CNN totally liberal? There is no difference, its opposite sides of the spectrum.
Do you have an example, an anecdote to support your statement? Not saying you are wrong, hell, i don't even watch national news anymore. I'll skim the morning Times Picayune and read a view stories that interest me, always with a critical eye, always noting the source of the article(Honestly, i'm quite skeptical of the NYT with just cause) But i have watched Fox in the past (and CNN). In just delivering the news (no talking head shows, etc.) they play to different sides of the fence, obviously, but the information seemed consistent. Some is presented, head-lined, emphasized differently. I don't have a problem with any network unabashedly playing to their market, as long as the information is factual. (I just cant stand much interpretation from any side, or them becoming part of the news.)
How does one "lean" to the center? Literally or metaphorically? Just trying to picture it in my head.
Do you consider FOX worse than CNN? I don't. They can cater to any mentality, politcal ideology they want to, unabashedly or not, or whatever way they please. To me, the only 'bad' news network is one that presents false information, slanders with no proof (CBS, NYT)
Well if you are drunk and you are already leaning to your left or right and a cop comes by, you try your hardest to lean to the center of equilibrium.:hihi: im sure you know what i am talking about.:wave:
if one is liberal then he/she tends to think of the "media" as conservative when they disagree and if one is conservative then the opposite is true. fox news is unashamedly conservative just as ms-nbc, and to a lesser extent, cnn (more recently) is liberal leaning
probably not, they are equally as biased in some ares of the business, you are right about CBS. So I can agree with this.
Over the years, I have worked with all the major networks including CNN and even the 700 Club. They ALL have an agenda. Their bottom line may be money but they all report the "news" in the way they want you to interpret it. In this day and age people aren't generally interested in studying candidates, laws, regulations, etc. so they rely on a few sound bytes to formulate their opinions. If you can frame an argument to sound like news, you can easily sway many to your way of thinking. I've seen 10-20 people near the White House protesting and then two hours later watch as the news reports the crowd at 1,000+. Many of the questions for taped interviews are added after the initial interview. I've given many interviews and as I later watched the video, the reporter was asking questions that were not posed to me but amazingly now had my response. I can't watch 24/7 "news" especially when try to make fashion newsworthy or report about the personal life of a celebrity. I could care less what little Leprechaun boy Tom Cruise is doing on the Oprah show. Their biggest liberal media issue these days is global warming. Many report their opinions as fact. I don't believe Katie Couric, Dan Rather, or any little cutie on CNN are qualified to speak as a scientist.