Is Russia really the bad guy here???

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by onceanlsufan, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I see you have missed the point. If you separate yourself from emotions, perceived morality, justice, you would understand this is all about the laws of nature. What you, Winston, and many others do is try to rationalize civility in modern culture "separate" from the human laws of nature. Its all just nonsense. Just like ethics. Ethics, civility, justice only mean anything to those that accept it. So what happens when you come across someone who doesn't?

    For example, Joe Biden fondling women and kids. In some cultures, like his inner circle or goat fuckers in the Middle East, this is acceptable. In others, it is not. Who is right? Whomever holds power.

    This is why in America we have to treat gays and trans-people well. In the Middle East they can throw them off a building. Reason? The people holding power make it so.

    So the point is that you guys can continue to have some outrage over what is just, unjust, good, evil, while higher level thinkers can understand things that matter, power.

    You guys think there is a good side and a bad side. The reality is there is a side that will win and a side that will lose. Whomever the winner is will decide justice. This is the law.

    If you understand humans better and how we tend to react, we can better realize our goals and ambitions. All this huffing and puffing about democracy, freedom, justice is just emotional garbage and distracts you from your enemy.

    In fact, a lot of this is driven from within our own country. Humans are so predictable that our overlords have figured out how to keep you guys busy. From covid to Russia, they ensure you are so preoccupied that their grip on power remains strong.

    So instead of asking why is Russia doing this, the question should be how does US involvement affect me as a US citizen? What do I gain? What do I lose? What are the people in powers goal with respect to betterment of the American way of life here? What are the dangers? Risks? Benefits?

    You guys dont ask that. You guys get hung up on cold war era talking points just like you put on a mask because you were told to.

    Which is my broader opinion that you guys, like most Americans, dont want to deal with this and give up your free thinking skills to your overlords.

    The extent of war for you and most Americans is either agreeing or not agreeing. Not actually willing to spill blood.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2022
    fanatic, shane0911 and onceanlsufan like this.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    This isn't about right or wrong, its about them having a position that makes them feel good inside.
    onceanlsufan likes this.
  3. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    No ... I 'm saying if that it wasn't for your boys ... there'd be no reason for Putin to even consider slaughtering freedom.

    We didn't have this problem with Trump, because Trump had no plans to induct Ukraine into NATO.
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Oh, really? Is that why the title of this thread is "Is Russia really the bad guy here?"

    There is NO FUCKING QUESTION that Russia is the bad guy here, and none of that ridiculous bullshit you posted changes any of that. Does Putin have reasons for invading Ukraine? Well, of course he does, just as Hitler had reasons for invading Poland.

    And, like I said, it's ENTIRELY JUSTIFIABLE that the USA would want a USA-friendly government in Ukraine, and Ukraine has every right to want to join NATO and NATO has every right to accept.

    1) NATO promised in the 1990s there would be no expansion of NATO eastward.
    False. Russian bullshit. NATO never made any such promises.

    2) Yanukavytch was ousted under the direction of Obama and Biden.
    False. Yanukovuch was ousted by revolution by the people and Parliament of Ukraine, who didn't appreciate a treasonous, murderous Putin puppet.

    3) The US was instrumental in installing Yatseniuk as the new Prime Minister.
    False. A laughable mention, too, when one remembers that Paul Manafort, trump's campaign manager, was instrumental in getting Yanukovuch installed as Ukraine's president.

    4) Yatseniuk petitioned the Ukraine Government to join NATO.
    Wholly commendable. If Ukraine were in NATO now they wouldn't be getting bombed.

    5) Russia meddled in the 2016 election but it was all directed against Hildabeast, and Trump had no involvement.
    That's wholly laughable.

    6) During the Trump years, there was no issue involving Russia and Ukraine.
    False. Tell that to Ukraine, who had to fight anti-government Russian backed militia on a daily basis in eastern Ukraine.

    7) Biden becomes President and the now the Russia and Ukraine issue is back.
    It never went away, considering that Russia illegally occupied Crimea and illegally terrorized eastern Ukraine while trump did next to nothing to discourage any of that but instead kissed Putin's ass on a regular basis.

    8) (not mentioned in the original) Putin said in his speech that the issue is Ukraine joining NATO and the goal of the invasion is a regime change back to a Pro-Russian adminstration.
    That's Ukraine's right. Not for Putin to decide.

    Once again, what's the point of your thread except to justify the attack? "Is Russia really the bad guy here?" Why did you even have to ask?
  5. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    LOL. It's the Democrats' fault that Putin invaded Ukraine! Of course! /sarcasm

    All of a sudden, after Reagan invaded Grenada, Bush Sr. invaded Kuwait, Bush Jr. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, Democrats are somehow to be condemned for wanting a pro-American government in Ukraine... by peaceful means, no less.

    And why do trumpians believe that Democrats are to blame for an invasion? Because their cult leader is a pro-Putin asskisser, himself.

    Are you a Russian troll bot? Or just a hopeless trumpian moron?

    PUTIN IS AT FAULT, but he sure got a lot of urging from pro-trumpians such as Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham.
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    this is in fact the question and i think ultimately this conflict is good for us. we could truly not care about it at all if we were energy independent like we should be.

    side note: one of the only ways racism manifests itself is the extent to which we care about white people wars relative to the essentially constant war in random places in africa nobody has ever heard of. like i listen to BBC world service and every story is an african guy named mbotu saying the rebels from bomboland are killing the anti-rebels from umbbupomclomp. barely makes the news.

    my prediction i mentioned before i am more confident about than before: this war will end with a cease fire where ukraine officially gives up the two eastern breakaway states, and possibly with some agreement to join neither the EU nor nato. then long term russia will send migrants to russify the rest of ukraine and do this again slightly westward in 15 years. this will frighten NATO states like poland and lithuania and they will become even more pro america. like if we want to put more CIA black sites in poland, they will welcome us and maybe even torture the muslims there for us.
  7. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Sean Hannity, is that you?
  8. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    You’re saying that she asked to be raped because she wore a short dress.
    You are right about that because Trump was planning to pull out of NATO and expose all of Eastern Europe to Putin’s tender mercies. We would have been isolated and on the defensive over two fronts. Only a fool old think that a good outcome.
  9. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Don't argue with ME Rex-i-poo .... go argue with the very well referenced document from the CATO institute. And then you can go argue with the history of how it all went down in Ukraine under Obama in 2014.

    I can still here Ol Joe ... on tape, bragging about it .... you do X or you ain't getting the Billion. Yep ... you ain't got much to stand on.
    shane0911 likes this.
  10. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Is Russia really the bad guy here???

    Only a fascist, sociopathic moron would ask such a question. Much like it takes a fascist, sociopathic moron to declare Putin a "genius".

    You and your fellow CATO trumpians are desperately trying to blame Democrats instead of Putin for the Ukraine invasion. And why? Because trump is a well-known Putin lover and assmunch. Your article is right wing, Russian propaganda bullshit.


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