Is Keiland Williams in the doghouse?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by islstl, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. bayou_bandit74

    bayou_bandit74 Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    Ive been coming around all season but staying quiet. I think its pretty obvious that Williams is our best back. At almost any other school this kid would be all conference. He needs more touches, he is a home run hitter and with our sputtering offense we need more of that. I really started liking Miles more and more last year, but this year his coaching has been VERY suspect. The play calling for the most part has been horrible and ultra predictable. Then the thing with Williams who is our second best offensive player yet he touched the ball only two plays. Maybe his vision isnt quite the best but the fact is he averages the most yards per touch. Hester is extremely durable and just a work horse. He should get his touches as should Scott get some. If Miles wants to have a RB by commitee then fine, but Williams should be the feature back. I know Miles is winning which is what matters and he has done a good job, but still, LSU has been outcoached the last 4 games. Had the Florida and Auburn games been on the road we probably would have lost both games.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Cry me a river. :cry:

    LSU won three of those games and damn near won the fourth. I sat through 8 losing seasons under Archer/Hallman/Dinardo and I know what being outcoached is . . . and this ain't it!
  3. K_Jay

    K_Jay Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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  4. Morton

    Morton Founding Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Scott and Williams have both been fantastic in the limited action they've seen. Scott had a nice 10 yard run against Auburn, then we took him out. I understand Hester is the man (That TD was awesome) but he's not the best athlete. And if Hester is not having a good game, then we need to ask Scott or Williams to step up. Hester is consistent at getting positive yardage, but lacks the ability to take it all the way. Scott and Williams have the ability to take it to the house.

    On the other hand, could it be the whole 'RB by committee' thing forces Williams and Scott to get the most out of their carries?
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    When has Hester not had a good game, amigo?

    Hester, Scott and Williams each have 6 touchdowns.
  6. bayou_bandit74

    bayou_bandit74 Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    I sat through those same seasons. Take your rose colored glasses off and you might see reality. I still like Miles, dont get me wrong. I have to question though why such an explosive player isnt getting touches? I also have to question why run the option on 3rd and 10? I have to question why everytime Perrilloux is in the game its an option run? Usually straight to the left. I have to question why Lafell is still in there with all those drops? I dont at all condone what that idiot fan did. I just dont think he should be getting the playing time until he gets his confidence. We have a big time recruit in Toliver who has dropped just one pass and looked very impressive with each oppertunity. Yet he isnt getting in the game. Same can be said for Byrd.
  7. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    It's been explained here. While when he gets through the hole he is the best back, you don't reward an inability to get through the hole with more carries. If you take away his carries it forces him to become a better back through practice. Plus the point that you seemed to skip over, which is that he's got an injury & we've tried to avoid him having to face direct contact.

    When was this? I don't remember that...

    It's not every time. He's attempted several passes, but it hasn't usually turned out well. I don't know his numbers, but those option plays still average quite a few yards even though the opposition knows it's coming.
    1. He isn't. 2. LaFell is the best WR we have (besides Doucet) at getting open, blocking downfield, and actually knowing where to go. The drops are unfortunate, but who knows when he'll come out of that funk. Only one way to find out for sure - throw it to him.

    Toliver's impact on the Kentucky game = -20 yards. He made some big plays, but nullified them with penalties.

    Maybe you weren't watching the end of the Auburn game, but Byrd & Toliver were the #2 & 3 WRs.
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  8. bayou_bandit74

    bayou_bandit74 Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    And look at how good we moved the ball when we actually threw the ball downfield. Flynn was on and the receiver were catching passes. I like Lafell, Im sick of people saying he is scared he isnt. He has just lost confidence and doesnt have his focus. Im sure he will come around but with two big time receivers ready to step up IMO he needs to be benched until he steps up like a number two WR.
  9. pjnchamps

    pjnchamps Founding Member

    Feb 7, 2007
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    IMO he hasnt really attempted that many passes most of them came from the Middle Tenn game. Everybody including the announcers know that when RP comes in the game he's running the ball. I wish they would open the playbook for him or even let him throw a screen try to establish some type of rhythm. Sometimes the one play switch messes Flynn's rhythm up also and last wk many ppl were critizing RP but Flynn had to call two timeouts this game. Flynn is the starter and the 2 QB system when ran properly works and helps the starter. Maybe if they haven't already should look at some film of FLA last year when they ran it. :geauxtige

    Individual Statistics

    PASSING Cmp Att Pct Yds Yd/A TD Int Rating
    Matt Flynn 106 190 55.8 1,266 6.7 8 5 120.4
    Ryan Perrilloux 29 41 70.7 414 10.1 6 1 199.0
  10. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    That's because it took them a while to learn the playbook but they have a much better grasp of it now than they did 2-3 weeks ago. Plus there was that one little detail of having Doucet back.

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