25 dollars a pound back in 97. Don't know if it is any higher these days. I ate dog while stationed in Korea. I do not see the value they do but as in every other country, I do respect their culture and traditions.
After Lewis and Clark's supplies ran out west of the Rockies, they survived by trading beads and iron arrowheads to the indians for Camas roots, dried salmon, and dog meat. They grew to like it.
I wouldn't eat dog if it tasted like prime filet mignon and you paid me $1000 a pound to eat it. I am a dog lover but not in the culinary sense.
I have heard about this and I think its in Singapore or Malaysia. They take a live monkey and put its head in some kind of restraining device. Then they saw off the top of the monkey's skull and everybody eats the brains of the still living monkey.