incorrect. again, i am not required to be critical of trump to not be a hypocrite. in fact one of my personal interests is the encroachment of china on the world, and the rising dangers of chinese authoritarianism, soft power, expansionism etc. so this current story, trump calling it the chinese virus, i am fine with that. the chinese are murdering shitbags that might kill you if you speak out. they were punishing doctors what warned about the virus. they have now thrown american media out of the country and are claming they now have fewer deaths than italy. and the media reports this uncritically! they say hey wow look at that now italy has more deaths than china! its nuts. i think it could be that, for instance ABC news being disney, cant lose a billion dollars worth of disney movies sold in china. china has its tentacles deep in american media. so none of that, its nothin to do with trump really. but it makes my sympathetic to him calling it the chinese virus. thats not me being a hypocrite. its me criticising one thing and not currently discussing another thing. and lastly, here is a video of Trump talking about it... Let me ask you this...Trump said he didn't know anything about disbanding the Pandemic Response Team....yet here he is on video bragging about disbanding it. Is Trump lying?
Did you watch your own video? He never even mentioned the team LOL. He spoke about the "proposed" cuts......
Lol ... yeah ... Probably claim that Trump disbanded Obama’s Astroid Impact Disaster System ... better know as AIDS.
hy·poc·ri·sy /həˈpäkrəsē/ Learn to pronounce noun the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. so if you are going to pretend to be outraged at me for what you call a lie and you do not assign that same level of morality to others then you are indeed a hypocrite whether you like the label or not. you are the one who decided to hop on the train and call me a liar over and over again for mistakenly quoting something that I had not done enough research on, then turn a blind eye to the trove of lies that Trump has told just in the past few weeks as it pertains to the corona virus, never mind that he lies daily regardless of the situation. You are a hypocrite. anecdotal, irrelevant and obfuscating again. we are not talking about your position on China...we are talking about your hypocrisy. They also are not reporting that Russia is reporting few, if any, viruses and we all know that isn't true either. I do not doubt that both Russia and China are under reporting their situation but I am not the media and I do not get to set their agenda. If you have a problem with the media they all have e-mail addresses where you can express your feelings. so in other words it is just you obfuscating.
you are being obtuse if you cannot see that he was talking about disbanding the Pandemic Response Team. Further, did you read the article? You simply cannot accept the fact that after the Ebola outbreak in 2014 Obama created a Pandemic Reponse Team and Trump got rid of it. PERIOD.
Am I? Literally NO ONE on the video mentioned that team, rather, the proposed cuts to the CDC..... Yea, he moved some folks around. The Dr addressed it as well. Was a specific team for specific needs for H1N1.... Its like the tent system we are using today. Might not be viable for the next CDC issue. Who knows. Take your own advice and @Trump.