Flu season is winding down. China had this at the height of flue season. I would predict its not as bad as MSDNC and CNN hope it will be.
gotta be careful getting news from those righty sites and twitters. sabanfan, peace be upon him, used to have this problem as well
I got that one from tigferdroppings. The Poly board is usually pretty good about signifying fakes or not.
A vaccine next year is a year to late. COV19 may not even be an issue next year. Quarantine is not intended to stop it, but it is intended to slow it down. Yes it has hopped borders because those places did not implement a quarantine of individuals coming from China. While I agree, Medical Science has a role, Coronavirus has been around for a long time, and in all that time, we’ve yet to come up with a treatment. Granted, we really didn’t need one, but that’s never stopped Pharma from creating and cashing in on a treatment. In contrast, societal measures, such as limiting exposure, palliative care, staying healthy, and all that will have as big an impact as anything. Just look at the Flu vaccine. NNT is 44. NNT for vitamins D supplement of 4000 IU per day to ensure your not Vit D deficient, 33 ..... ie., better than the all hail science vaccine. Throw in some Elderberry Extract (which btw is effective against Coronavirus as well), and you get additional benefit. Limit your exposure, and you are almost guaranteed not to get anything. AND .... a Coronavirus drug, like Tamiflu for the flu, would be good for people who do get infected. But, ya have to remember, it’s not the virus per say that gets you, it’s the damage your own immune system does while trying to eradicate the infection. That’s why the flu vaccine helps (when it’s accurate), it shuts down the infection before too much damage happens.
You might want to read this before you jump to conclusions. https://www.salon.com/2020/02/27/why-covid-19-is-more-insidious-than-other-coronaviruses/
I read a lot of medical journals Winston .... it is my job. Suffice it to say, this rubbish by Salon is just that. Rubbish. While ringing the alarm bell throughout the article they end with ..... but the Flu is still a greater threat. In all seriousness, I’m not trying to make light of the situation. These things can be pretty devastating. But there is no use in creating a bunch of anxiety over it. The tone of reporting has this catastrophe undertone that just need not be there. Further, The thing about most all infectious disease is that your own genetics plays a part in the outcome. I don’t see any stock markets crashing over the Flu ... do You? Nope.
Looking at the daily reported new cases, the peak looks to have been on Feb 4th. Things have flattened out for the most part, with maybe a small uptick due to international cases. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-cases/