Reference to her just being a disruptive bitch .... and her district being clobbered. Yeah .... I Know ... I’m being mean and insensitive .... but screw her .... which is about all she’d be good for. ... maybe. (Puts on tin foil hat for the wave of sexist misogynist accusations).
Greetings from quarantine in Plano, Texas! I have spent the last two days getting ready to launch "distance learning" on Monday....lessons going live on Monday morning. I have also tracked for my administration any emails that have been kicked back when I sent out my Google Classroom codes. I have come to the conclusion that working from home sucks because you truly can't get away from it. That being said, we are not allowed to call any parents because we aren't on a school phone. Good. Plano now has COVID19 testing that will come to your front door for testing. A police officer tested positive today. My older daughter is moved back home and starts online college on Monday. She is having many a facetime meeting with her friends who have all come home from college but can't actually see each other. She has a guy "friend" who's home from OU, but you know, social distancing... My younger daughter doesn't miss school, but hates not socializing with her friends at school, including a particular boy in her English class. She's spent the week painting, reading, and working on her drill team officer tryout binder...but who knows when the tryouts will occur? She's just happy the school musical was last month.
My daughter is doing more work with our AMI (Alternative Method of Instruction) protocol than she was doing at the brick and mortar. She ain’t happy.
Jennifer Griffin @JenGriffinFNC Foreign bad actors are trying to sew discord in US by planting online rumors, such as "the federal government is going to impose martial law," and National Guard will be called up to enforce. Beware of this online trolling, don't fall prey to rumors, US defense officials warn. Meanwhile semi lockdowns are in effect. Mixed messages mfs. So once they release us from our cells is half the country going to get this anyhow and over what timeframe. Isn’t that how these viruses work especially one this contagious. Is this delaying the inevitable. So it’s basically a virus that kills everyone over 70 with pre-existing conditions. Which means all of them in America, yes? what’s the end game regarding a pandemic such as this one.
End game is that most older people and a good many in their 30's, 40's and 50's who haven't had a mild case and acquired immunity, poof. With millions staying home with nothing to do but fight with each other or fuck they will do both. Millions of new Boomer II babies will grow up as pansy snowflakes in the new world order. The Russians and Chinese won't have to go to war with us. The young tolerant of everything and full of love and forest will give them the country. Since being wary of Muslims will be politically incorrect millions will convert or be killed. The country will be totally fucked up.
We have been told we may not assign more than three hours of work per subject a week. This has been an overwhelming week, though, because I am having to completely re-learn a job I have done for nearly 30 years. Honestly, my group of students this year has been the roughest I have encountered in my 23 years at my current school. I have, more than once, contemplated an early retirement. That being said, if we get to return, I will be SO happy to see these kids again.
transition through it quickly where a large percentage of people fighting the virus will not receive proper care, versus a slow transition where everyone will receive excellent care. +/- a million American lives on the line