I had a friend that went to the Saints-Giants game last week. Not sure what gate he went through, but he said they never asked for vax/negative test proof, so they don't even seem to be enforcing the destoya's mandate, at least at the entrance he went in.
So Southwest Airlines employees gut punch the company with a sick out after the vaccine mandate and the spin doctors are everywhere playing it down as ‘bad weather’ etc…so it doesn’t spread. Amazing.
Seriously I have a mixed opinion of mandates. We live with them constantly. Your kids are mandated to be vaccinated for school. Airline pilots must meet certain mandates like getting the proper licenses. Weren’t you mandated to get a boatload of vaccines in the service Shane? So being generally against mandates is a foolish position. The real question is the Covid vaccine mandate reasonable? I can see certain places where they are reasonable like maybe police and other public servants or if a company wants vaccinations as a element of employment. I’m absolutely against the sort of blanket mandates being discussed. I may be vaccinated but I wont like it if New Orleans requires it to ride in a Mardi Gras parade. It’s up to the individual to choose in the great majority of cases.