I tried to tell you all that the dago was a fraud. I hope like hell they throw his lying ass in jail!
From one of my friends who is an ER doctor and has been dealing with and treating Covid patients for over a year and a half.
You just can't stop lying! Doctors know how to spell "treat" If the patient is on a vent they should have given those drugs sooner and they would be recovered and not on a vent. Hospital protocol is killing 3x the people covid is And shut up dummy
United States COVID: 41,315,787 Cases and 670,609 Deaths - Worldometer (worldometers.ny) Today's numbers look like shit for Texas & Louisiana. Will this shit ever end?
Thats what happens when you are ignorant https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2015/campbell/lecture/
Faucci lied to Congress, point blank and there is proof. Anything happen to him, not a chance. CNN asked him about crowds at football games. Get ready for mandatory vaccines and passports.;
I think the Democrats control both the House & the Senate. The chances of any action being taken against Fauci are somewhere between slim & none.