News Is coronavirus a wild card?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I think its where we are headed though. The Germans tried it. We had a war over it.
  2. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    that is a direction we could go. Let's say my company mandates that all get vaccinated or the person loses their job because of so much lost time over the past year. (this is not a hypothetical). So that happens. Then, people with vaccines are the only ones working. They are going to get covid so the idea that if we weed out the unvaccinated then we will return to work full strength is null.

    Now what are they going to do? I am not against vaccines or any other form of treatment out there (dewormer or what ever). But now, they have put in place a mandate that will hold up in court and can be used for anything else down the road.

    That down the road shit is what you are talking about. That I will give you and @shane0911.

    The vaccine in itself is harmless. What they are doing with it, maybe not.
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You better hope so. Like a cheeseburger, can kill you decades later.
  4. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    come on, you eat a cheese burger mofo.
    GiantDuckFan and shane0911 like this.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And if you paid attention the key was in there. There is no $$$ to be made off of a drug that cost pennies per dose. Couple that with the fact that they could not have gotten the EUA if there were known treatments which is why this drug and the hydroxy were censored and suppressed and slandered. Its about money and power. Take a look at who fauci the fraud is married to and then see what title she holds. Start connecting those dots and see if it doesn't make you think a little more clearly. Take a look at who used to be the head of Pfizer and see what position he holds now.

    If you trust the Government then your history teacher didn't do their job
    GiantDuckFan, mctiger and Frogleg like this.
  6. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Here's the problem mancha .... A doc in Fayettville just got sent to jail for prescribing ivermectin at a prison. WHY? Why are we arresting people who prescribe the HUMAN form of ivermectin?

    If we didn't have the Nazis going around arresting Doctors for doing what they think is best for their patients, prescribing human grade ivermectin ... then people wouldn't have to go to the feed store.
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Doesn't matter ... Doctors are allowed to write off label all the time. Throwing doctors in prison for practicing medicine is a crime against humanity.
    shane0911 likes this.
  8. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    why so divisive about a possible treatment? it doesn't have to be the vaccine vs Ivermectin. Many people got the vaccine and keep Ivermectin around in case they get covid anyway....evidence shows it would help prevent a more serious infection. Vaccine does too, so you'd have more ammo and be even less likely to have any issue. we should all celebrate and want to learn more about better vaccines, treatments, preventives, etc...

    good concentrations of zinc and vitamin d in your system is great for anti-viral activity and your immune system. ...beign in shape and exercise does too (this does not mean im anti vaccs or anti ivermectin).

    I think the media creates and inflames divisions for ratings.
    shane0911, Winston1 and onceanlsufan like this.
  9. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    This is especially true for Vitamin D!!

    Class in session. Sars-CoV-2 has a protein called nsp1, it is the first protein transcribed from the viral RNA when it infects a cell. That protein antagonizes the actions of Type-1 Interferon; INF-1 is the kid running to pull the fire alarm to tell everyone the building is on fire!. This is why symptoms in COVID are delayed, and why there is so much asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic spread.

    Vitamin D, among other things, facilitates the actions of INF-1. Study after study has shown that Vit D deficiency is prevalent in people who show up at the hospital and who have worse outcomes. The "detractors" designed studies where they infuse Vit. D to people who arrive at the hospital that resulted in mixed results. The media picked up those studies, and ran with them claiming Vit. D. does nothing for COVID. HOWEVER ... the importance of Vit. D is at the beginning, NOT when you arrive at the hospital. So these studies are a bait and switch. Reading Material:

    That is your CDC at its "best". Worse, Fauci and the NIH refuse to fund the relevant study assessing pre-infection levels of Vit. D, yet, most of the research leading to the EUA for the Moderna vaccine was funded by NIH grants. Which leads to my question ... WHY?? Why won't they investigate the impact of pre-infection Vit. D. supplementation on hospitalization and severe COVID?? They could use the EXACT same study design used for the vaccines with modifications to account for an oral administration, and settle that debate ... but apparently, they don't want to do that!!
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2021
  10. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    When I got sick I called my doctor for any advice. I was told to load up on Vitamin D and Zinc and pass the time unless I couldn't breathe.

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