When it comes to believing anything you post, yes. Take an extended break and try to get your IQ into double digits.
I've been looking for links that say and other links that verify what was said about thousands of people being killed by the vaccine and also the same for vaccines producing variants. We actually know that the variants out today, including the infamous Delta, were around before vaccines were introduced in Feb. Fuck what we already know. If you can't believe the 1 in 1000 scientist who can you believe? I guess if you died in a car accident but you had the vaccine, you died of the vaccine. Shit must work the same as the covid itself. It's fucking funny how that happens. None of us are honest.
WHAT IS REALLY IN THE C19 VACCINES? https://fingersblog.com/2021/08/22/what-is-really-in-the-c19-vaccines/
So who’s stocking up on Ivermectin? It’s the real miracle cure. No need for a vaccination when you can take horse dewormer.
You do know Ivermectin is FDA approved for humans right? Also, the healthy Asians: https://twitter.com/brenontheroad/status/1429624844379824129?s=20 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pjab/87/2/87_2_13/_article https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711 That enough links for you bitch ass fools?
Oh, you are one of those people...... You doubled masked didnt you? What about a face shield? You have one of those as well?