News Is coronavirus a wild card?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    my thoughts are clear as mud. Maybe I don't see the chart correctly or maybe you are playing me with numbers.

    A person is much less likely to get delta if they are vaccinated vs unvaccinated. (unless you are over 50). 21,472 vs. 3,440 for the over 50 crowd. Is that because there are much less over 50's unvaccinated these days or does the vaccination make you more susceptible? I don't know if if believe the latter.

    The chart says people who are vaccinated and over 50 don't do so well when compared to the unvaccinated and over 50 crowd. 389 deaths vs. 205 deaths. But as stated above, there are much more vaccinated and over 50's with delta. Does that have to do with the population of unvaccinated being much smaller these days?

    Vaccinated Over 50 = 21472 cases and 389 deaths = 1.8% fatality rate.
    Unvaccinated Over 50 = 3440 cases and 205 deaths = 5.9% fatality rate.

    The difference in rate of death for under 50's is miniscule. Hardly anyone dies according to the chart. But certainly there is much less chance of getting it if you are vaccinated vs unvaccinated. (25,536 vs 147,612 cases and equals a 0.5% vs. a 0.3% chance of dying.) Those numbers might not mean anything to the individual.

    And yeah, there are a lot of breakthrough cases, including my own. I think everyone should just plan on getting covid at some point no matter if you get jabbed or not.

    I am all on board with someone's decision not to get vaccinated. I favor no mandate. I only suggest why not? Maybe it will keep you out of the hospital, or if you are over 50, save your life.

    Those are my thoughts on the chart.
    StaceyO and Winston1 like this.
  2. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    not attributing this to you specifically, but i'm noticing quite a bit of general jackassery in responses to the unvaxed folk. Is this by design to try to shame people into getting the jab or unintended?
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    So are you saying that
    Well there’s been quite a lot of jackassery on both sides. Like @mancha i took the shot and will take the booster. Months away from 70 and with friends and family who are at high risk I think it prudent. This from one who has never had a flu or pneumonia shot and doesn’t plan on getting either anytime soon.
    Everyone should make their choice as long as they’re prepared to pay the consequences.
    StaceyO and mancha like this.
  4. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    And .. there is the rub! MOST of your pals in the Establishment Government are not content to let others choose their own path and pay the consequences. ... NO .. they are pushing MANDATES!! They are essentially bullying people into their way or the highway. They are setting a precedent, and encouraging employers to set MANDATES for conditions of employment.

    AND ALL OF IT IS BASED ON A LIE!! .... even in your own post ... you "insinuate" that "your" vaccine protects your high-risk loved ones. This is patently false!! A vaccine only protects the recipient. period .. .end of story. In fact, the vaccine can, and has, created a false sense of security, where the vaccinated cast caution to the wind, wrongly thinking they can't catch it and they can't spread it.

    I can understand some sectors requiring mandates. Take for instance, Doctors and Nurses. The vaccine is NOT to protect the patients from the Doctors and Nurses ... it is the protect the Doctors and Nurses so they don't get sick and have to miss work. Particularly in hospitals ... .they can't afford for people to be out of work. OTOH .. other sectors, especially non-essential sectors, have no business employing mandates. It is just liberal bullying to force their flawed perspective.
    tigermark, shane0911 and mancha like this.
  5. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    It swings both ways. People ask me why I would have my daughter get the vaccine. She is young and healthy and why should I risk her life and blah blah blah. It is not their business is it? I have a bunch of FB friends that start a post with something like:

    "Everyone should be able to make their own personal health decisions based upon their health history, their research/knowledge, informed consent, and their comfort level. This is not about what anyone should or shouldn’t do, but rather is meant to inform about..."

    and then post a random study on how the vaccines turns you into a mutant, or dries up your ovaries, or whatever. Studies that disappear in a few days and have no relevant backup data or they cause people to go out and do stupid shit that can harm themselves. Ivermectin is a drug used for parasitic infections in people in places like Africa. It is also used in livestock in the US as a dewormer. There is a study out there that says it has shown to affect covid invitro (test tube) and warrants further study. It is not a completed study and has to go a long way to even test on humans. But people take it and run with it as they have extreme vaccine fear. They go to feed stores and buy the medicine used to treat livestock and it is poisonous to people. The strength and formulation are not meant for humans. These people are getting sick.

    All that needed to be done was just to post the first sentence on FB.
    kcal and Winston1 like this.
  6. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    I am anti mandate. People at my work have to make a career decision to get the shot that they don't want or lose their job.

    Also, doctors and nurses have been treating people for over a year without a vaccination. They should have a choice and not lose their job saving peoples lives.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
  7. Buzz69

    Buzz69 Freshman

    Mar 3, 2021
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    I've received both shots, the second coming in December 2020. No side or after effects that I can detect. I received the flu shot during my twenty years in the AF and my last 20+ years in my civilian job. I never received any serious after/side effects.
    Winston1 and StaceyO like this.
  8. seabrookcajun

    seabrookcajun Founding Member

    Feb 5, 2004
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    Have you ever been vaccinated to attend school? That was a government mandated vaccine. Were you as vehemently opposed to those vaccines? The type of vaccine does not matter. It was still government mandated. Do you oppose all government mandated vaccines?
    HalloweenRun and Winston1 like this.
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    And Oregon officially goes insane upload_2021-8-24_16-17-58.jpeg
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  10. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    It's Oregon Winston .... that is all that need be said.
    Winston1 likes this.

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