If you caught the virus & died from it, what do you think your survivors/relatives/friends would think about your refusal to wear a mask?
what if you caught while wearing a mask? And died? edit for clarification: not YOU, but a person in general
Well, I guess that's a chance you take. As I said previously, I rely on the advice of my medical professionals. And I have yet to enter a facility where I live where you are allowed to enter without wearing a mask.
They would say that sum bitch lived his life the way he wanted, free as a bird like Americans should. They sure as hell wouldn't say I was scared of a virus with a 99% plus survival rate. Do me a favor, next time you are out go into a seafood market, maybe a porta potty, drive by a dog food plant and of course while wearing your mask and tell me what you smell. If its anything that should tell you a lot about the effectiveness of that mask.
Do you have a link for the 99% plus survival rate? And for the record, I don't drive past porta potty's & dog food plants.
Watch the news and do the math And fine, go to the supermarket, make your way to the meats and tell me if you smell a fish. Bet you do
Not at all. Just saying, go and see if you can smell a fish through the mask. If you can then the best option is to take it off and drop it into the waste basket
I don't have that strong of a sense of smell. It's been that way for years. At my supermarket, the fish is in a glass enclosed case. I have yet to see anyone ask the attendant to put it on the counter so they could smell it.
I always smell seafood before I buy it. Even the best looking piece of fish could have begun to purify unseen to the eye.