Look you freaking ignorant hypocrite the reason the WHO test was rejected was because the fucked up WHO who is nothing but another leftist org aligned with your Democratic party test kits had a 47% failure rate. That's 47 % of the time gave false positive result or visa versa on corona. That was confirmed not by Trump whom you absolutely hate but by the team of scientists who are tasked to handle this outbreak. Once again stop trying to fool us into thinking you are some kind of reasonable middle of the roader.
What's interesting to me about that link is the fact drawn in the first 4 paragraphs. You've got a near-perfect environment for the virus to thrive and wreak havoc in a large group of people, but only 17% got infected. Sounds like this virus is much harder to catch than the fear-mongering media (I propose FMM replace MSM as their acronym) would like us to believe. Doesn't mean we should let our guard down or not protect ourselves, but maybe they could stop causing panic?
So basically what my Uncle said, and the nurse info I got from some friends is anti-inflammatory medication are having a bad affect on the virus. It makes the immune system act differently and allows the virus to get deeper into the lungs, at least that is what I read. I am guessing that elderberry has some sort of of anti-inflammatory stuff. I also take turmeric sometimes for inflammation, so I stopped taking that as well. The supplements are mostly bullshit anyway, they were all given to me by my step mother. Placebo affect mostly. She is into supplements and essential oils and stuff. I am staying on the safe side and just removing them from the equation.
The problem is you are ALWAYS looking for something to point out that he has done "wrong" or more importantly not the way you wanted it done when in reality there hasn't been much. The fact that you are hung up on a stupid test is a great example. The test is completely irrelevant and keeping it from going nuts IS and that is exactly what he has done, his best to keep it contained. Instead you want to focus on every little detail to try and put shove it up his ass. Its pathetic.
My mother was a big believer in vitamins and supplements. She read lots of books about it and even worked at GNC for a time where she spent most of her paycheck on those things at a discount. She loaded up me and my brother from an early age. Other than the normal colds now and then and a few bouts with the flu we have both been basically healthy. Probably we have good immune systems. I still take vitamins and a couple of supplements every morning.
I take a fairly broad range of vitamins especially vitamin C. I believe that C is the best overall but realize most is pissed out. The fat soluble one are to be taken with care as they can store in your liver and become toxic. One supplement I swear by is Glucosamine. I can see the difference in my joints since beginning to take it. Basically I think they help to a degree but good eating habits and enough exercise are more important.