About a week ago i woke up with a headache that lasted an hour or so and had a very mild fever for a day. Felt like a very mild cold. I suspect that that may have been CV. Not sure but im not getting tested. I had a colleague of mine woke up with a headache a couple of months ago...lasted 8 hrs. Went get tested and positive. Lost his sense of taste and smell for 5 days was the only other symptoms, and then he felt fine. Tested a month later and positive. Two more weeks and positive again. WTF? His job requires him to go to the location so they said phuck it, come in. oh, and his wife always tested negative and they never quranntined from each other....just lived normally.
I suspect that scenario has played out in just about everybody's household... not to worry though, November is coming, then the message will change, and by Jan everyone will be encouraged to go back to normal.
The day after the Superbowl I woke up with a bad cough that lasted 3 days. In April I had some kind of intestinal crap that gave me the runs. Lasted 2 weeks. I wish I knew if that was it
My sis-n-law has had it for a week now. She's quarantined from her kids, but her husband and her still sleep in same bed. So far, he's tested neg. Here's the part I don't understand. Her medical team has not given her any medication for it. Not hydroxychloroquin (sp) not remdesivir, or anything to treat underlying symptoms. Has anyone ever heard of that? Her symptoms are mild fever, cough, extreme fatigue, and loss of taste and smell, which have returned after a couple of days. She's alot better now, but says they didn't give her meds for symptoms because her immune system was strong and the meds would prolong the virus. New one on me, but as I said, she's had it for a about a week and most of the severe symptoms only lasted 2-3 days.
hasnt eveyone been at least a little sick at some between february and now? surely we all had a weekend where we coughed a little, or maybe 24 hours when we were tired out for no reason. seems very possible some significant percentage of us had it and didnt notice or care.
I've had a cold for about 2 weeks now. No fever, just congestion and a productive cough. Haven't taken anything but lots of water and I'm about over it.
i normally go through a year with no colds or flus....maybe just sinus drip couple days a year, but thats no fever or anything else. i might get a cold every 4-5 years and the flu - its probably been 15 years or so.....not sure if thats normal or not.
i dont know either. i am curious as to the rates that most people get sick. i get a flu that gives me mad chills like once every 2-3 years and it lasts maybe 2 days. i get coughs and breathing problems maybe once every 5 years.