I am pretty well pissed off that (eventual) in-person school for high schoolers is only two days a week. I (and other parents) who chose in person chose it for 5 days, not 2. Oh...but she will have morning drill team practice daily from 6:45-8:30. I will drop her off, and hopefully, my husband can pick her up, so she can get home to "go to school." And...now middle school teachers will be simultaneously teaching our in-person students AND the online students. We were previously told a teacher would EITHER teach in-person OR remotely...not both...at the same time. Sadly, after 3 days of virtual professional development, my biggest takeaway has been that even our technology gurus can't efficiently operate a synchronous class with adults in it. I am NOT a tech guru...so I really don't know what I will be able to figure out...by this Wednesday.
Too busy doing fashion photo shoots, signing his baseball cards and undermining Trump to manage a patient. I knew this clown was a phony showboat libtard months ago.
No surprise there, I am truly sorry you and your daughters have to put up with that. Interesting read in WAPO this morning that schools have been preparing for the fantasy return, when they could have been developing better on line instruction. Now, with increased infections, many are flailing for the second time in 6 months. I’ve ALWAYS cautioned two things: 1) terrible outcomes of teaching face to face and on line at the same time 2) the ability to connect with a bunch of young kids without bedlam ensuing in the classrooms. I am sure that a "huge" percentage of "learning" time will be connectivity issues. Here’s an idea, if you have computers. I did. Have the kids in classroom sign in to your lesson, and teach them all online. But this will be a fleeting annoyance. Did you see the scenes in the Georgia high school yesterday, or maybe Thursday?
All kids in our district have been issued a Chromebook that they will use all year. I am going to try to forget about everything for a while, as my daughter is about to drive me up to UNT in Denton for her move-in.
Comrad says, drink water https://bgr.com/2020/08/10/coronavirus-update-effect-of-ordinary-water-on-covid-19/
"This study also claims that boiling water kills COVID-19 particles “immediately and completely,” according to the Sputnik News agency" these arent exactly newsflashes, people have boiled food and water for thousands of years to sterilize stuff
Yeah, boiling water kills. Revolutionary Vlad says they got the cure https://www.thedailybeast.com/putin...e-and-that-his-daughter-has-been-given-a-shot Comrad leading the way. Lol