This is worth listening to especially his comments about the politicization by both sides.
Learned today a second cousin of mine has it. She’s much younger, probably mid 30’s. Said she has never felt as bad, she’s in ICU, haven gotten the last real ICU bed in her county. She is some kind of highly specialized hospital. nurse who was helping out in Covid treatment. It seems she is about out of the woods, but apparently on can regress very quickly/unexpectedly.
Wish her good luck and a fast recovery. I had a family member get it too. She was down two weeks.It was not good but she's back at work now. Says she still gets winded easy and feels like crap. This girl is under 30 and very fit.
I had breakfast with a doctor friend of mine yesterday. He said his clinic now has the quick test that provides results in 15 minutes. They gave 28 tests and 23 came back positive. The ages ranged from 6-70+. Fortunately all but one or two were mild.
Is what I have been saying for months... it's much more prevalent that we admit therefore it is not nearly as bad as they make it out be.