If you guys want to argue about Texas, here is the mother lode of data: https://dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/TexasCOVID19CaseCountData.xlsx
Here's your stinking mask and the guy who scared you into wearing that useless piece of shit Ain't he cute oh shit where is his mask?
that is a whole bunch of numbers. Put it to a graph and see that Tejas is leveling off. Peaking and declining. I am not the guy arguing about we don't have enough beds in Texas. No concern except for 1 county. I am not arguing everyone is dying in Tejas. Watch your age group though. My argument is to wear your mask when you are out. I'm just trying to get @el005639 to wear his mask. Save his life or others. It is actually not a big fucking deal and it has flattened that infection curve. Mask "requests" went active July 3 and positive numbers have peaked and gone down since. Quit pissing in stores, throwing shit off the shelves, or otherwise crying like a baby because a store asks you to wear a mask. And now this is where el005639 says he doesn't give a fuck because it is gonna happen sooner or later anyway. But the fact that most people are wearing a mask and that kids are going to do it when school starts will help people live just a little bit longer. Maybe long enough to get that Vitamin D serum level up.
Between my house and Midland Texas is about 500 miles of open country. I drive that twice a week and have done so since may. I see maybe 30% of people wearing masks as I drive through dozens of small towns. I dont even have to look it up to know in all the counties that I drive through there is no major problem with the pandemic. The news media is blowing this out of proportion. It freaking amazes me so people on the board fall for what is clearly bullshit. And as far as catching it, we will, go ahead and worry yourself silly over something that kills way less 1%.
Bah bah bah bah You go ahead and follow Fauci's advice about mask and social distancing, aint he cute!
https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/co...21326204/texas-coronavirus-rio-grande-houston This is the kind of hack job bullshit reporting that is going on, when the truth is the trend is downward not upward and there is no disaster going on in Texas.