This mofo is going to reach out and touch just about everybody nothing you can do will stop that save for moving off planet. More than 99% shrug it off, quit acting like it's the plague. What the hell are you people going to do when someone releases a real killer virus, that takes out 30 % of us?
If it takes you out quick I would be ok with it. I’m just not interested in suffocating, ventilator, intubation and all that. Learned with my dad that his legally, expensive final directive, or what ever it is called, didn’t work.
some numbers apparently have so many options it gets pushed down. 2 (space) n will bring it up immediately.
A person can do whatever that person wants to do, wear your mask, stay locked up in your house. It will not change the fact this virus is very contagious and no matter what you do between now and the time you run into it will change the outcome. Holding onto to the hope that a vaccine is coming only means the time between now and then for you will be lost time you will never get back. Lastly who is say that you don't die in car wreak (which is more likely than dying from covid by the way) on the way to get your vaccine.