And in what was, perhaps, my "favorite" of the non-back-to-school articles I read today, a Dallas ISD official described how classes "would work" once in person school is allowed. A teacher will have a class, "teach" a lesson that every other other teacher in that subject (across the district) is "teaching" that day, get the 20 or so students "independently working," then conduct a Zoom class for the same lesson with at-home learners...yes, simultaneously. Hey, guys, what could possibly go wrong with that plan? At least, Plano ISD has said a teacher will teach EITHER in person or online, but not both...and certainly not at the same time.
Maybe I dont get it but why couldnt you do both at the same time. In my mind the camera is in the back with a view of the room. Your lesson is broadcasted to the people watching. I mean business is done that way all the world.
They are not asking them to record themselves while teaching the lesson in person. They are asking them to teach the lesson in person, have the in person kids quietly work on their assignment, then open a Zoom session and go over the same thing again online. Discipline issues, alone, would make it impossible to teach this way. Administrators get pissed if they ever walk in to find a teacher behind her computer, but now, all of a sudden, not only is it okay, but it's imperative to be behind the computer and engaging with a host of people online, but not the ("well-behaved, socially distanced") kids in your physical classroom. @LSUTiga, where are you? Please help me explain why that won't work!
Relying on my teaching experience, I’ve told everyone that would listen that the cavalier attitude about "we’ll have some on line and some in person" was gonna bite a bunch in the ass. And quickly. I was volunteered by the district to teach a computer based math course. The people at district saw 40 free computers and gave it no more thought. The fuggers selling the crap were from New Orleans, come to think of it. Nothing worked, problems had either missing or incorrect answers. Here is the relevant part, it was online instruction, with me there. 90% of class time was spent trying to get the 25 or so students signed on to their computers and then signed on to the vendor’s server. Then explain why answer ”c" was wrong, even though the program said correct. We were early start, year round, starting in early July. When we reported in after the 4th there was nothing in the room. I finally got ahold of someone who said the installation was on tract before August 15. Seems nobody at district never told the vendor that we were year round and started early. By the time the other district guinea pigs got started I had already terminated our participation. the point here is that mass online learning does not just happen.
Stacey is exactly right. It will be bedlam, and that is before temperature taking, mask wearing, and social distancing. Disaster.
Exactly. It's a joke, and now some districts think teachers can manage in person and online simultaneously. Right! And, yes, even with adults on Zoom, half of the time, someone is struggling with tech issues.
Business is not dealing with children. Most will not be motivated, half their shit won’t work. It goes on and on.