Hmmm, do you not see the hypocrisy of this statement and your constant covid ravings concerning those of us that are nutting up concerning covid 19.
Well, Judge Clay Jenkins of Dallas County ordered today that in person schools are not allowed to open before September 8th at the earliest. Somehow, DISD is going to "start online." Guys, I am about at the end of my rope! Collin County has not made any formal announcements as a county ( but apparently Frisco ISD is following the DISD starting online model.) The only way that remote "learning" worked at all last year was that I had taught my students for 3/4 of the year. I knew their abilities, their habits, etc., and they didn't wish to disappoint me. If I end up being forced to start online, I will be working blind, for sure. 75% of Plano ISD parents have elected to send their kids back in person. Are we going to jump on the bandwagon with the other districts even though we only have 180 active cases in our city of 300,000 with 14 deaths (all elderly.) I am beginning to feel more and more depressed. Imagine doing a job for 28 years and having no idea how to do that job any longer. Added to that, I am paying college tuition for online classes and just hope that my daughter, who has felt terribly isolated during this whole debacle, can move into her sorority house on August 8th. She needs to be around her friends.
I feel you hun, this is bullshit. This is going to do so much damage to so many people and most importantly our children. They are being robbed of the education that they deserve and its stupid and unnecessary. Beyond ridiculous and I sincerely hope that the voter backlash is like nothing we have ever seen. It really needs to be otherwise we are truly fucked as a nation.
Join BLM or Antifa and you don't have to wear a mandated mask except the one you would use to hide your face as you burn, loot and injure.
Yep. FISD has pushed back on campus instruction to Sept 3. Kids will still start on Aug 13, online and transition over when they go back to school. And tears ran down my wife's cheek. She thinks this is just kicking the can down the road a bit and on campus classes will eventually be canceled for the fall.
That’s going to come back and bite them in the butt. They actually need to open schools up EARLY, because come Nov-Dec, the data will begin to show increases in deaths, and by January, the whole nation will be going back into lockdown mode.