I've never apologized for being white, I don't feel guilty about nothin, never really thought about apologizing, never been approached by anyone wanting me to,.. never, not even once
If coronavirus is so deadly that we have to paralyze the nation, and if a simple mask will prevent the spread of this deadly virus, how is a used mask not considered hazardous waste? Its horribly deadly, but just throw a contaminated cloth in the washer, and all gone?
me too. whoever is left. cant believe trout hasnt tapped yet Portland this weekend. Still burning down. Rioter takes a canister to the head. Almost bled out. https://twitter.com/livesmattershow/status/1282177966877728768/video/1
That’s a correct conclusion. Actually a mask is considered highly hazardous. There are volumes on the inter web about how to safely take a mask off, and how to sanitize it by heat, chemicals or washing. I keep mine on the exposed dash of my car. Plenty of heat and time. Also wash them, but still put them on the dash to ensure high enough temperature.
Well then why did you jump into my post with Winston? I wasn't talking to you. Maybe you caught dementia from dementia Joe cause as I remember YOU stated this little tussle with me by accusing me of slobbering on Trumps johnson I simple responded in kind. AAAAHHHH it wasn't that long ago check the thread. What you got your period?
season opener is scheduled for July 23,.. Giants at Dodgers,.. fingers crossed for 10 more days yeah, well that's a tough break for him, cops don't shoot bean bags or canisters unless things become pretty fucking scary so my evil stepdad was a highway patrolman,. a police academy instructor,. a civil claims judge,. was on the California Riot Control Council, though it was probably named something else, he was a fucking monster, but this always impressed me he devised a riot control strategy, won an accomodation for it, it was called Pac-man in a riot, let's say a big one, with many thousands of people like the ones they had in the '60s,.. more than 99% of those people are essentially sightseers, milling around, not really doing any harm, peppered throughout the crowd are troublemakers, destroying shit or trying to incite violence the first step of the plan is to have a massive amount of police secure a defendable area, as a base of operations, located close to the crowds undercover cops are dispersed into the crowd when ready, a large circle of many police wade into and move through the crowds the undercover cops having spotted the troublemakers, radio in their positions, and point the bad guys out when the circle gets close to one,.. a group of cops leave the circle, grab the criminal, and haul him back inside the circle, cuffed and guarded the circle of cops keeps moving throughout the crowd making arrests in this manner until all the troublemakers have been gobbled up and are inside the circle the circle then moves back to the base of operations, and the bad guys are hauled away in paddy wagons,.. repeat as necessary
So you admit you started your rant with me. I enjoy a rant at least you get true feelings from a rant. Your friend has been throwing enough turds at our president and conservatives on this site to fill up the Gulf of Mexico so the little turd you threw at me doesn't amount to much. Also you got nasty right off and somehow you appear to think I was supposed to go easy on you. As far as Oregone fix your own state we are pretty busy down here trying deal with Heir John Bel Edwards. BTW went to Lowe's, ate lunch at a local restaurant and to the supermarket and didn't wear a mask like most didn't. JEB can kiss my coon ass.
That's a good question. We rented a house on Navarre Beach in Florida last week. Two of my younger daughter's friends' families also rented houses. The beaches were not crowded, and it was fabulous to just be outside enjoying life. We did go to restaurants each evening as a group, but those weren't too crowded, either. However, we drove to the Harborwalk in Destin one night, and it was packed. 100 people at a time were cramming onto boats for sightseeing cruises. All of that was a bit strange looking because people in North Texas are basically masked up around where we live.