I have never bought patties. I just form them myself from ground chuck. Sometimes I mix the meat with chopped up bacon
I am just waiting for it. My co-worker's husband got it but she hasn't gotten it from him thankfully. Now they are telling us we should see Covid positive patients or those who were exposed. It's only a matter of time. Then today they said we have to start temperature checks in the morning when we get to work because they have to show they are protecting their employees - say what?
People really need to pull their heads out of their asses. Texas has crossed the 75 deaths per day for the first time since this thing started https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/texas/ Granted, I don’t know how much of it is just Scott trying to cash in on some of the Government money, but deaths rising above 75 is a bit of warning sign. Sure, go ahead and don’t wear your mask, but when you get around people who you know are high risk, have a fricken heart folks. Heck, if I was a high risk patient, I’d demand that you wear one around me ... or just stay away.
my brothers best friend died of Covid or his death was attributed to it.... another friend of mine is hospitalized with it as well and they say not looking good for him
I have had about a dozen co workers test positive. So far only one has shown actual symptoms. Apparently if you test positive here you go back in 3 days for another test. Several/ many of those positive coworkers told me they tested negative on their second test. They called into question the validity of their test results and think theirs was either a false positive or got mixed up with someone else's.Which makes me wonder about all these new cases.