It a bunch of BS. If you look at the curve on worldometers you see two distinct curves. A solid curve, and then a shadow curve above. Estimating the solid curve, I’d say about 68,000 people have died from covid. So about 45000 of the reported deaths are fraudulent, suspected, etc. 68,000 still ain’t good, but it’s not the pants on fire 113K.
Where on worldometer is a graph with a line and a shadow. The only graphs that have multiple lines are those comparing different countries. They also give the absolute number they calculate. They are clear in describing their methodology. Overall it’s a pretty good resource. Thanks for letting us know about it.
$$$ and when your the center of attention you dont want it to go away. But all that has to happen is make it such that if you die and had covid19 you died from covid 19. Bang numbers climb higher.
Not to change the subject, but wtf is this new post that looks like Chinese from somebody I’ve never heard of before. I ain’t clicking on that shit. Has virus written all over it.