i havent been able to stay up for korean baseball. but i was very happy to have german soccer back this morning. germany has one of the worlds best leagues, and i am a big fan. it was weird hearing like one random guy who works for the stadium or whatever yelling and and cheering echoing through the empty stadium, then like 8 players clapping.
They have the technology now. They could superimpose digital images of fans over the empty seats. An audio guy could key in crowd noises with cheers and booing at the right times. Probably help keep the ratings up. I'm going to watch the Southern 500 tomorrow as NASCAR returns to live racing. Be interesting how the TV guys handle it
the country's gone mad,.. politics is seemingly the only thing that matters now,.. can't even talk about the weather without starting an argument,.. sheesh, it's this bad,.."would you like half of my sandwich?,.. "well I don't know, is it a republican sandwich, or a democratic sandwich?" pray to the ghost of Vince Lombardi to save us
But wait, you can sell a sandwich at a store but can't offer one to a friend? This is the world we live in now. Second guessing everything said or intended. Like in China
Your friend isn't going to wrap the sandwich in cellophane and seal it. And he may have drooled on it.
True dat. People are getting more rude and aggressive, short fuses and bad behavior. Also, I see people out every day in their freaking PJ's. Leave the house, get dressed. Pretty simple.
the store is open, it's considered an essential service,.. ... it kills the time https://www.klamathdispensary.com/marijuana-prices-today lemon meringue, yum,.. gonna go get some right now