This is what it's really all about. Don't look now but States are lowering their previous numbers to reflect a better picture and what do you know, the mortality rate just keeps dropping. You sheeple make me sick!
No, he is an American making an informed decision and not choking down everything that comes from crooked ass places like the WHO, CDC and whatever organization Fauci the Fraud says as gospel. Mask are actually detrimental to healthy people, I don't wear one, won't wear one and my immune system will thrash yours!
We are all selfish assholes. Some people just don't realize it. There is no such thing as true altruism. You help somebody out you feel better about yourself. You don't help him out you feel guilty. It comes down to it's all about you. YOU want to feel good. YOU don't want to feel guilty. YOU don't want to be ostracized or ridiculed so you toe whatever line divides whichever side of the issue you are on. I didn't wear a mask at first. I know it won't protect me but it does protect other people around you. Almost nobody I saw in stores or on the streets was wearing mask. Then later most people were wearing them in the stores so I bought a mask and put it on before I went inside a store if I didn't forget. Now about the only people I see wearing a mask in stores are the people who work there So if those selfish assholes don't care enough about my health to wear a mask fuck 'em. I don't give a shit if they drop dead. I don't know those people. They aren't my family or friends. Just strangers who I probably will never see again. The guy pumping gas next to me could be Mahatmas Ghandi or he could be Ted Bundy. I don't care. I just want to pump my gas and leave.
So I find the replies to my calling @LSUpride123 a selfish asshole interesting and somewhat sad. There is no sense or recognition of community or shared responsibility in them. We’ve always balanced individualism and personal rights with community and shared burdens in the United States. It seems too many have forgotten or don’t understand you can’t have one without the other. As Ben Franklin said " WE MUST HANG TOGETHER OR SURELY WE SHALL HANG SEPARATELY “
The reason there is resistance is because this is shuttng down is not needed and is actually hurting us more than the disease. The mask dont help anything, it is just a visible reminder of the boogeyman.
No, you just want me and others to have YOUR morals. I dont. I say to youth at if YOU are scared, log onto Amazon and dont leave your house.