I skimmed it. There are too many long posts and articles on the internet and not enough time in a day to deal with information overload. Part of the reason that some SEO gurus say that Google's algorithm values posts of 1500 to 3000 words more than it values shorter posts. Writers have heard this and want to be ranked on the first page. And you misunderstood my statement. Trump is better at using dirty deeds to turn the tables on them than they are at using dirty tricks on him. Try to pay attention. You are reading Trump worship into my words.
If you're asking the dems they only want the economy in the tank because they believe that helps them win. I don't think they care about the virus at all If you are asking the R's they want people back to work and they might care about the virus a little bit. If you're asking Winston he can't hear you because he is too busy finding the next "gotcha" on 45 If you asking me, I say this shamdemic has gone on about a month too long. To hell with distancing, to double hell with mask and ain't no way in hell I'm getting injected with anything. This was a complete overreaction and it's time for it to end.
So @shane0911 80;000 deaths in 2 months is a sham? Even if exaggerated it’s more than the flu takes in over a year. You’re a fool and more than that you’ll be putting your friends and loved ones at risk if you do as you say. Of course you’re so tough an manly you’ll just shake it off.....and you’re probably right. But when you’re exposed (we will all be) and give it to a relative who dies I’m sure you’ll blame the dems but maybe you should look in the mirror. You’ve seen me advocate for opening up. We need to more than Edwards is allowing. However the precautions you scorn are what is required to keep us open and not overwhelm the medical community. Just like many safety precautions in the oil industry you serve the PPE is less for you than the people you work with. So please think again. Who cares whether you get vaccinated or not. That’s for you....but protect your family and friends, wear a mask stay apart when you gather together.
I’ll have to say Shane ...you may be right. Looking at the graph below, can you tell which Nation had no mandatory shutdown? (Answer after the graph) The answer is the Red line in the middle, Sweden. Sweden didn’t shut down their economy. What is telling here, is the trajectory of the curves all look the same, regardless of measures taken. If locking down made a significant difference, the trajectory of the Sweden curve should be much steeper .... but alas, it is not. Granted, Swedes are all light skinned, and have higher vitamin D levels compared to the average unhealthy, lazy ass Americans, but, hey, we should be able to detect something. Full article. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/05/13/attention-citizens-the-covid19-emergency-is-over/
Agree that the case for Sweden’s approach is tempting, but the environment/culture is radically different from the US of A. Here is a kernel. The person quoted is the Swedes Ambassador to the US. "A key distinction for Sweden is that its government believed it didn’t need to enforce guidelines regarding social distancing on a population that would heed the advice of the country’s independent public agencies. According to polling data, Swedes have a high level of trust in the country’s public institutions. This trust is a “fundamental element of Swedish society,” said Olofsdotter. “That’s why we can work with recommendations, because most people actually follow them. It’s part of who we are. Of course there are people who don’t, but the main bulk of the people do.” " ‘Can’t say that for us.
There is a lot of wisdom there, my friend. I am starting to hear a lot of verbiage from local school districts that makes it sound like they aren't opening schools in the fall. And, furthermore, I am not too keen on paying $20,000 a year to the University of North Texas for an online degree. My daughter's fall classes in her student portal all say "temporarily online." WTF does that mean?
No! I'm at literally zero risk and the same goes for my family. If I have it or if I get it guess what 96 to 97% have NO symptoms. Do you understand what that means? We don't get sick, we don't cough or sneeze or shit our pants and we most importantly don't die! If you are in the other 3-4% less than 1% of them will actually die and those are for the most part with one foot in the grave already! This is a 100% SHAM!!!
They should give you a huge discount on the tuition. $20k to be a Mean Greenie is too much for even in person classes. What does she want to be? Send her to a good technical school or nursing school or whatever. There won't be any stuck up frat boys to date or drunken parties to attend but that's no a bad thing. When I started LSU tuition was only a few hundred dollars.
Sorry @Winston1 This is bullshit. Everyone will come in contact with this shit before a vaccine is available. A flimsy ass rag over your mouth ain't going to save you or the person next to you. Might as well accept that this disease is part of life and move on. If your time is up it's up. You are much more likely to die from a heart attack.