yes the one on siegen sucks. Looks like there is a Deep South BBQ on plank. Martin please check this out for us. also a Winks on Old Hammond. Thats next on my list. It looks too good really.
I don't have enough ammo to go to Plank Rd. I think there is a place on Jefferson near Airline. I think I saw BBQ on their sign.
i went to hannah q on govt and it was ok. very expensive. and it was run by hipsters. i want my BBQ run by old white people or black people or fat people. hannah sounds like the name of a jewish woman journalist. bbq places should called something like fat bobs or dirty tyrone's. i willcheck out the place on plank, blacks are very skilled at BBQ
The best BBQ I ever ate in Baton Rouge was cooked by an old fat black man with one withered arm. He cooked at his house on certain days. You could call him and either go by his house and pick it up or if he was going to be out he would deliver it to you. Hannah Goldbergstein. Doesn't she work for CNN?
Used to go to a kind of run down BBQ place. They all wore tee shirts "The Fat Cook With the Short Fingers". It was pretty good, but the tee shirts were better.