Jesus, what ever y'all do, don't turn a perfectly good pandemic thread into a political hate thread. That would just rob all the fun.
... and he eats babies for breakfast. Hell let’s go the whole nine yards. He opposes universal Health cause he loves his buddies in big Pharma. He pulled out of Paris Accord because he loves his buddies in Big Oil. He scrapped Obama’s ridiculous cafe standards because he loves his buddies in Big Auto. He wants to build a “smart wall”, ya know, the one that lets white people pass right through, but brown people can’t. He purposelessly infected the US with rona.. because he hates brown people and knew it would hurt them more. He actually had a plan to flip New York ... infect NY with rona and kill off all the liberals so there would only be conservatives left .... bam .... LOL BUT ... regardless ... He tells the MSM to fuck themselves ... and that is all he needs to do to get my vote! ..... because no matter what you say about him, the Democrats and the MSM are everything he is times a few thousand.
Not that big a fan. I grew up around it (lkind of), it was always a business to me. Does that make me less or more deplorable? Another joke here- Question - Why do NASCAR fans do it doggy style? Answer - So they can both watch the race
in one hand I've a cup of donkey poo, in the other, elephant poo,.. they're both trying to feed me crap, but I'm not swallowing that shit from either one dims say, the biggest problem America has are the republicans repugs say, the biggest problem America has are the democrats they're both right, the biggest problem America has are the democrats and the republicans
This article provides a fact based discussion of how airborne transmission of virus happens. It’s worth understanding and note it doesn’t say we need to continue isolating ourselves but suggests how to avoid the most transmission. This is what real science looks like...
Very interesting, and quite a hopeful article. Surprised and to a degree dismayed that this information has not been screamed from the mountaintops. I wondered why 10 minutes was the magic time. Now I know. Do you have any further indication of the authors bonafides? Really good actionable information (almost said intelligence - - old habits die hard) I liked the article so much I changed my avatar!
So we can have football and baseball outdoors with fans in the stands but no basketball. Hockey would be the worst since it's played indoors on virus preserving ice. But that's OK because I have only been to 3 or 4 hockey games in my life and hardly ever even watch it on TV
Some data that shows a managed opening will work. In Massachusetts 85% of Covid deaths are people 70+. Isolation of at risk people and managed contact between others will allow our society to start back up. It is the responsibility of all to manage the risk and take the precautions that fit your situation. One size fits all fiat will not work.