I couldn't agree with you more. This does feel like tyranny...but if you say that, you are accused of not caring if people die. But like the quote from The Shawshank Redemption says, "You either gotta get busy living or get busy dying." I feel like I have a lot more living to do, but more than that, I have two daughters with a LOT of living to do....more than being locked in the house.
I already consider myself middle. The problem is what the "left" considers center these days is somewhere between socialism and full blown communism. I've been middle my whole life and by today's leftist standards, I am an irredeemable deplorable, smelly walmart shopper with a low IQ and questionable parentage. Oh forgot, homophobic misogynistic racist.
According to the Left, you can’t be in the middle and support D Trump for President. They have manufactured a false stereotype DT that he is a racist , sexist, homophobic bigot who wants to install himself as dictator for life. Perfect example of projection.
yep, I can't support the dem's stance on abortion,.. apparently that makes me a trump supporter,.. I think the covid hysteria is a ludicrous overreaction,.. apparently that makes me a trump supporter too Ocean,. trump is a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot who wants to install himself as dictator for life,.. and you forgot to mention, thieving conman