Hah! I started to post that, but figured, well, doesn’t matter, I didn’t post. North Carolina tests the waters at 5:00 pm tomorrow, with a "Phase One" reopening. Practically, it’s not a whole lot different than where we have been. The problem is the old "give an inch, take a mile" deal. The state parks are opening, and I’m hearing from hunting/fishing buddies that trailheads and parking lots are going to be jam packed. Obviously, that is not what Public Health wants. Meanwhile, yesterday was the largest increase, of Covid-19 cases in North Carolina since this whole mess started. I hope and pray those that are minimizing Covid and are for "opening up the economy" are right, and letting up on the stay home is not premature.
I might have had it. My college freshman hosted a sleepover right after New Year's where two of the girls were very sick with the "flu." My younger daughter caught it the next week and developed pneumonia within two days...though a Z-pack knocked it right out. The mother of one of the girls who got sick after the sleepover became I'll and was coughing violently and just sick in general for about five weeks. She's in her late 50's. I do teach a lot of international travelers. As a teacher, in general, I do not worry much about germs because I have been sneezed and coughed on daily for 28 years.
Thank you. A couple of know nothings scoff and snicker like little kids when they may well have had it themselves. I would like to know for sure if I could be sure the test was reliable. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for May 12th but they called and wanted to do a video conference instead. I told them I would wait. Can't take my temp, blood pressure or draw blood online.
Right. She isnt forcing people to be her customer. If people CHOOSE to go get their hair cut, fucking let them.
seems to me its very possible huge numbers have had it, with minor or no symptoms. i would like to be tested as well, so i could test positve for antibodies so i can see my dad again. he is 85 and has had a quadruple bypass and multiple stents, and is diabetic. i am too scared to visit him. surely many people are dealing with problems like mine. if more of us knew were already had it, we could use that info to help out our more vulnerable friends and family.
Of course the antibody test is more important, but everyone's more focused on the do you have it test. Its bullshit, and purposeful because if it was known how many mofos have had this shit and didn't know it, the entire damn thing would be exposed for the fraud it is.
i wlll be tested eventually. my dad is fine and is just bored out of his skull. its not an emergency that i visit him. i wont go more than a few more weeks without testing. but what if i test negative? do i have to avoid my parents until there is a vaccine? thats not good. that could be a long time!